Connecting with Science Education

Second Edition

Robyn Gregson, Nathaniel Doidge

Connecting with Science Education

Second Edition

Robyn Gregson, Nathaniel Doidge






2 May 2018




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Connect with science and learn how to teach it creatively.

Connecting with Science Education, second edition, supports pre-service teachers as they enter the professional world by connecting theory to practice. It meets the requirements of the Australian Curriculum while incorporating STEM and Indigenous science knowledge; and has a balanced coverage of biological, physical and chemical sciences, with some mathematics. With plenty of practical classroom-based activities, this new edition encourages pre-service teachers to be creative in their teaching and to stimulate curiosity about science in themselves and their students.


  • New co-editor, Nathaniel Doidge adds practical teaching experience to Part Two: Turning Theory into Practice
  • Revised chapters on theory and practices to support pre-service teachers in the preparation of lessons about science
  • New Part Two with activities that focus on science content and how to teach it
  • Clearer, more explicit links to the Australian Curriculum
  • Lecturer and student resources that reinforce and extend learning including videos, weblinks, multiple choice questions and PowerPoint slides.


1. What is Science?
2. Becoming Explorers of Our World: The Purpose of Science Education
3. Making Connections with the Students’ World
4. Engaging the Australian Curriculum
5. Reconnecting Students with Science
6. Planning Creative and Effective Science Lessons
7. Why We Teach Literacy in Science
8. The What, Why, Who, Where and When of Assessment

9. Introducing Science Content
10. Living Things
- Inside Living things
- Observing Living Things
- Sorting it Out: Using Tables, Flow Charts, Keys and Concept Maps
- Exploring Ecosystems
11. Chemical Sciences
- Atoms, Molecules and Compounds
- Physical or Chemical Change
- States of Matter
- Mixtures and separations
- Chemicals in Our Daily Lives (1)
- Chemicals in Our Daily Lives (2)
12. Earth and Space Sciences
- Our Solar System
- Sun, Earth and Moon
- Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Hotspots
- Rocks
- The Water Cycle
- Sustainability
13. Physical Sciences
- Investigating Light
- Electric Circuits
- Contact and Non-contact Forces
- Newton’s Laws
- Heat and Heat Transfer


Robyn Gregson - Former lecturer, researcher and teacher in Science and has taught at primary, secondary and tertiary level.
Nathaniel Doidge - Deputy Principal at Erskine Park High School, New South Wales.

Student Resources

Oxford Ascend is the home of online resources for higher education students to help them study and succeed. Each copy of the paperback comes with the following Oxford Ascend student resources:

  • Primary and Secondary school teaching resources such as Australian Curriculum course planners, videos, class tests, weblinks and science sample cards
  • Additional downloadable classroom activities
  • Multiple choice questions.

Please note: The student resources are not available with the eBook or 6-month eBook rental but are available for purchase separately.

To access the Connecting with Science Education Oxford Ascend Student Resources:
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Lecturer Resources

Lecturer resources are available for lecturers prescribing Connecting with Science, second edition, for their course:

  • Imagebank of the figures and tables from the book
  • PowerPoints that complement the chapters in Part 1.