Teaching Health and Physical Education Oxford Ascend Student Resources

Teaching Health and Physical Education Oxford Ascend Student Resources
9780190321086 |
Binding: |
obook code (digital) |
Published: |
8 May 2019 |
Availability: |
Series: |
$10.95 AUD
$11.99 NZD
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Each print copy of Teaching Health and Physical Education in Early Childhood and the Primary Years will come with access to Oxford Ascend Student Resources, with:
- Links to videos showing HPE activities in practice
- Further materials to reinforce content and further your learning and understanding.
- Go to www.oxfordascend.com
- Register for an account
- Activate the code (printed inside the back cover of your textbook) within your account
Edited by: Natalie McMaster – Lecturer in the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, Bachelor of Primary Education and Masters of Education programs, University of the Sunshine Coast.