Preparing for the Teaching Profession eBook

Mary Kavanagh, Michael Kavanagh

Preparing for the Teaching Profession eBook

Mary Kavanagh, Michael Kavanagh






9 Sep 2020




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Equip your students with the skills and confidence to thrive in the teaching profession.

The teaching profession is multi-faceted, challenging and complex. Preparing for the Teaching Profession addresses the uncertainties and anxiety that pre-service teachers may feel about their preparedness to enter the profession. This practical handbook focuses on the key principles that pre-service teachers need to know to navigate the challenges they will encounter in the profession. Speaking directly to the student, it focuses on their transition from completing their degree to their first year of employment. This comprehensive, easy to read text will not only prepare your students for success in their profession, but also help them to develop a unique teacher identity.


  1. Becoming a Teacher
  2. Building Your Teaching Portfolio and Applying for a Job
  3. Beginning Your Teaching Career
  4. Getting to Know Your Students Through Assessment
  5. Effective Strategies for Lesson Planning
  6. Learning Diversity in the Classroom
  7. Supporting Students with Special Needs
  8. Understanding Behaviour and Student Well-being
  9. Working with Colleagues: A Whole-School Behaviour Management Approach
  10. Teacher Wellbeing and Ethical Responsibilities.


Mary Kavanagh has extensive primary classroom teaching experience. Mary has been involved in the induction of early career teachers for over 20 years in a variety of school settings.

Dr Michael Kavanagh is an Academic Adviser (Primary and Secondary) to the Deakin University Internship Program for the Master of Teaching Degree.

Lecturer Resources

The following resources are available for lecturers who prescribe Preparing for the Teaching Profession for their course:

  • Instructor’s Resource Manual contains:
    • The preface from the book
    • Activities for tutorials and assignment work
    • Case studies from the book
    • Weblinks from the book.