Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education

Fourth Edition

Janet Fellowes, Grace Oakley

Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education

Fourth Edition

Janet Fellowes, Grace Oakley






27 Sep 2023




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Language,Literacy and Early Childhood Education, fourth edition, focuses on language and literacy development in children from birth to age eight, with a particular emphasis on four- to eight-year-olds.

It describes pedagogical practices that will allow pre-service teachers to plan for play-based learning while also employing other approaches such as explicit teaching, collaborative learning and learning though exploration and discovery. Making explicit links to the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum, this book is based on current research and theoretical perspectives and includes practical strategies and activities to equip pre-service teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively support young children's learning of language and literacy.

This book is recognised for making sense of the complex process of children becoming literate in early childhood. It addresses the five key areas of literacy: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension.


  • All chapters have been updated with new references to current Australian and international research, and new examples of children’s literature.
  • The coverage of phonological awareness, and graphophonic knowledge and word identification has been expanded into two separate chapters.


Chapter 1. Introduction to Literacy: Definitions and Theoretical Perspectives
PART 1 – Young Children and Language
Chapter 2. Children's Literature
Chapter 3. Understanding Oral Language
Chapter 4. Oral Language: Perspectives and Phases
Chapter 5. Early Childhood Settings and Oral Language Learning and Development
Chapter 6. Key Early Childhood Learning Contexts for Oral Language
Chapter 7. Learning Experiences and Activities for Speaking and Listening
Chapter 8. Language, Thinking and Learning
Chapter 9. Assessing Speaking and Listening
PART 2 – Young Children and Reading
Chapter 10. Understanding Reading
Chapter 11. Phonological Awareness
Chapter 12. Graphophonic Knowledge and Word Identification
Chapter 13. Vocabulary for Reading and Writing
Chapter 14. Strategies for Teaching Reading
Chapter 15. Reading for Comprehension
Chapter 16. Developing Reading Fluency
PART 3 – Young Children and Writing
Chapter 17. Introduction to Writing
Chapter 18. Writing Purpose and Text Organisation
Chapter 19. The Writing Conventions: Grammar and Punctuation
Chapter 20. Spelling and Handwriting
Chapter 21. Key Strategies for Teaching Writing
Chapter 22. Writing Experiences and Activities
Chapter 23. Assessing and Evaluating Writing
PART 04 – Framing Language and Literacy Learning
Chapter 24. Critical Literacy and Visual Literacy
Chapter 25. Digital Technologies and Literacy
Chapter 26. Connecting with Families
Chapter 27. Planning for Language and Literacy


Janet Fellowes, Consultant in language and literacy education

Grace Oakley, Associate Professor, University of Western Australia

Janet Fellowes is a consultant in language and literacy education and works with schools and classroom teachers as well as relevant educational organisations. She is currently engaged by the Academic Clinics for Exceptional Students (WA) as a Senior Manager- - Literacy specialist. She was previously a Senior Lecturer at Edith Cowan University where, for many years she taught early childhood and primary teacher education courses for many years.  She continues to work with local Western Australian Universities and remains passionate about the quality of their students' learning as language and literacy educators.

Grace Oakley is an Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia, specialising in language and literacy pedagogy and practice. She has extensive experience in teaching pre-service teachers and coordinating initial teacher education courses, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She has had classroom experience in K--7 classrooms, including Languages teaching. Grace's research interests and publications focus on the uses of digital technologies in the teaching and learning of language and literacy, inclusive practices and teacher education.

Student Resources

This book comes with digital resources to help you study and succeed:

  • Note-taking guides for each chapter
  • Templates to help with classroom teaching
  • Further information on topics in the book

Click here to access the full list of student resources

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