Healthy Ageing and Aged Care

Second Edition

Maree Bernoth, Dr Denise Winkler

Healthy Ageing and Aged Care

Second Edition

Maree Bernoth, Dr Denise Winkler






14 Apr 2022




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A comprehensive and accessible introduction to the diverse aspects of ageing and aged care.

Healthy Ageing and Aged Care takes a person-centred approach to supporting older people within the community and in care. With relevance to a wide range of health practitioners, it brings to life healthy ageing, with a focus on wellness in primary and community care settings, as well as institutional care locations. Addressing attitudes, confronting stereotypes and challenging perceptions of aged care, it offers a new way of thinking about ageing based on stories and experiences of older people.

This second edition introduces students to recent changes in aged care, including the outcomes of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety 2021 report, the impact of COVID on the older person and data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics into ageing, population growth and demographics.

As future health professionals, students will be engaged in learning through stories of older people, some of which are captured on video, the podcasts with authors and the written text. These are designed to challenge attitudes towards older people, opening the student to transformative learning. New knowledge can then be applied to clinical practice through the case studies in each chapter, encouraging the student to work with the older person so that appropriate support can be suggested to enhance quality of life.

New to this Edition

  • New chapter on oral health equips students with clear pictorial guides to oral hygiene, enhancing their knowledge and practice in this often-neglected aspect of assessing older people.
  • Updated chapter on First Nations Australians, written by a First Nations author.
  • Two new Video Case Studies along with eight from the previous edition, enable students to hear directly from people affected by aged care and bring to life core issues covered in the book.
  • Updated Getting to Know the Person Case Studies introduce students to older individuals, their families and the health professionals involved in their care.
  • Revised Focus Questions promote reflection and encourage independent thinking and reasoning.
  • Updated Implications for Practice boxes show how the content impacts on current nursing and health-care practices.
  • Additional Example Dialogue in chapters 12 (Maintaining Mental health through the Ageing Experience) and 19 (End-of-life Care) contain constructive conversations and communication points for students to use in practice.



1: The Opportunities and Challenges of Ageing in Australia

2: Policies Influencing Aged Care in Australia: Past, Present and Future

3: Healthy Ageing and Aged Care of First Nations Australians

4: The Personal Perspective of Ageing in a Complex World


5: Family Relationships and Informal Care

6: Ageing in Rural Areas: Embracing Diversity

7: Elder Abuse

8: Older People Volunteering

9: Leisure, Sport and Recreation in the Lives of Older People


10: The Impact of Physiological Changes on Older People: Implications for Nursing Practice

11: The Older Person in Acute Care

12: Maintaining Mental Health through the Ageing Experience

13: Dementia

14: Pharmacology

15: Optimal Nutrition and Hydration

16: Oral Health

17: Mobility and Falls Prevention

18: Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions (Multimorbidity)

19: End-of-life Care


Associate Professor Maree Bernoth is a lecturer and researcher in the School of Nursing, Paramedicine and Healthcare Sciences at Charles Sturt University and has over 30 years’ experience working in aged care.

Denise Winkler is a writer, editor and research assistant. Her primary focus is qualitative research with older people and their experience of ageing.

Student Resources

Healthy Ageing and Aged Care, second edition, comes with complimentary student resources. These include:

  • Bespoke video case studies engage students in the real issues faced by older people.
  • Audio podcasts with each chapter author, discussing the topic and new research in the area.
  • Annotated additional resources arranged by chapter including weblinks and further reading.

Click here to access the full list of student resources

Lecturer Resources

The following resources are available for lecturers who prescribe Healthy Ageing and Aged Care, second edition, for their course:

  • Video case studies with author commentary provide suggested ways to teach using the videos.
  • Case study matrix outlining the topics covered in each of the video and in-chapter case studies, provides a helpful guide to using these within teaching.
  • Audio podcasts with each chapter author, discussing the topic and new research in the area.

Click here to access the full list of lecturer resources