PART 3 – Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research

Click the links below to view useful websites mentioned in Part 3 of Research Methods in Nursing and Midwifery 2nd edition.


Chapter 9 – Sampling in Quantitative Research
A program that can be used for random selection and random assignment can be found on the following sites:

Another site that provides a program for random assignment:
Here is a sample size calculator for surveys:

The following two sites have a free G-Power Program to determine sample size needed:


Chapter 10 – Quantitative Research Design

CONSORT Statement website
The official website of the CONSORT group, including details of the Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement, which is a checklist to help researchers report their research designs and results in a complete and systematic way.


Chapter 11 – Data Collection: Quantitative Research
Free online surveys; provides a service to develop, distribute and collate free online surveys.
HanDBase, a software platform that allows for the development of form and the collection of data on a hand-held device, such as a personal digital assistant.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI) contains a variety of measurement instruments suitable for use in nursing and midwifery research including questionnaires, interview schedules, scales and checklists.
Kwik surveys provide a service to develop, distribute and collate free online surveys.
Mental Measurement Yearbook covers more than 4000 commercially available tests in categories such as personality, developmental, behavioural and sensory motor assessment.
Pendragon Software, a software platform that assists the researcher in development of forms and the collection of data on a hand-held device, such as a PDA.
Remark has a number of products that will assist with data collection and analysis.
SurveyMonkey is a service to develop, distribute and collate free online surveys. The most popular webbased survey.


Chapter 12 – Quantitative Data Analysis

Statistical calculation pages allow you to calculate numerous statistical processes. The pages offer a good explanation to the various statistics being calculated.

GraphPad allows you to calculate bivariate statistical tests online. GraphPad is easy to use. Try it!


Chapter 13 – Mixed Methods Research

The web is offering an increasingly important resource for students. As with much of the material on the web, the quality is variable and discrimination is advised. The following are recommended.The first three sites provide short lectures from individuals recognised in the field of mixed methods research.

What is Mixed Methods Research? , John Cresswell

Conducting Mixed Methods Research Pt.1 with Alan Bryman

Mixed Methods Research, Tony Onwuegbuzie

Best practices for mixed methods research in the health sciences Commissioned by the National Institute of Health Office of Behavioural and Social Sciences Research in the US. It can be downloaded in PDF version or downloaded on e-readers.

An example of a research methods research proposal is available at