Australian Family Law Teaching Materials ebook

Second Edition

Belinda Fehlberg, Rae Kaspiew, Jenni Millbank, Fiona Kelly, Juliet Behrens

Australian Family Law Teaching Materials ebook

Second Edition

Belinda Fehlberg, Rae Kaspiew, Jenni Millbank, Fiona Kelly, Juliet Behrens






18 Sep 2014




$69.95 AUD

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The Australian Family Law Teaching Materials 2nd edition supplement provides primary and secondary materials for use, along with the main textbook, in teaching and learning family law, helping students engage with “undigested” material. Such engagement enables students to develop essential skills in the use of primary sources (cases and legislation), and to better assess the authors’ view of the material and to form their own.

To get the most from this text, read it in conjunction with Australian Family Law 2nd Edition ebook, which gives readers a comprehensive review of Australian family law.  


1. Introduction
2. Structural Fragmentation: The Constitutional Framework
3. Mechanics of Fragmentation: The Jurisdictional Framework
4. The Legal Recognition of Family Relationships
5. Family Violence
6. Introduction to parenting disputes
7. Processes for Resolving Parenting Disputes
8. Framework and Principles for Decision Making in Children’s Matters
9. Specific Issues in Parenting Disputes
10. Introduction to Financial Disputes
11. Child Support
12. Processes for Resolving Property Disputes
13. Legal Framework for Resolving Property Disputes
14. Specific Property Issues in Property Disputes
15. Maintenance for Spouses and de Facto Partners
16. Conclusion


Belinda Fehlberg - Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne
Rae Kaspiew - a leading Australian socio legal researcher in the areas of family law and family violence
Jenni Millbank - Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney 
Fiona Kelly - Senior Lecturer School of Law, La Trobe University
Juliet Behrens - Senior Associate, Dobinson Davey Clifford Simpson Lawyers

Sample Pages

Read a sample chapter from Australian Family Law Teaching Materials:
Chapter One: Introduction