Building Distinctive Brand Assets

First Edition

Jenni Romaniuk

Building Distinctive Brand Assets

First Edition

Jenni Romaniuk






16 Mar 2018




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Building Distinctive Brand Assets provides readers with long-term strategies to build and protect Distinctive Assets.

This book is for anyone with a brand.

It is a book about future-proofing your brand’s identity. It will help you set up a long-term strategy to build Distinctive Assets, and tell you what you need to do to protect them. Do you want to get better at branding? You’ll learn which strategies and actions work, as well as which ones don’t, to help you take advantage of opportunities and avoid minefields.


  • Provides in-depth strategic framework and tactical structure to build and manage a brand's identity.
  • Details new research into several of the most popular types of assets to help in asset selection and execution.
  • Explores the major myths that lead to poor decision-making.

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Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction
2. The formation of a brand identity
3. The role of distinctive assets
4. How distinctive assets help build mental availability
5. How distinctive assets help build physical availability
6. Using distinctive assets to signal meaning
7. The corporate, parent, sub-brand hierarchy
8. Measuring asset strength
9. Metrics:  Fame
10. Metrics:  Uniqueness
11. Metrics:  The Grid
12. Types of distinctive assets
13. Colour as an asset
14. The Power of Sound
15. Taglines and other words
16. The celebrity dilemma
17. Keeping relevant (in a changing world)


Jenni Romaniuk is a Research Professor and Associate Director (International) of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute at the University of South Australia Business School.

Sample Pages

Read an extract from Building Distinctive Brand Assets:

Stage 5: Protect and update