Animal Behavior

Twelfth Edition

Dustin Rubenstein

Animal Behavior

Twelfth Edition

Dustin Rubenstein






26 Mar 2022





$165.00 AUD

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The leading text in the field, Animal Behavior shows how researchers use scientific logic to study the underlying mechanisms and evolutionary bases of behavior, now with a streamlined presentation and enhanced eBook.

Be introduced to a rich array of fascinating examples of animal behavior and uses a vivid narrative voice that conveys the excitement of the subject. The upcoming 12th edition's enhanced eBook will make the subject come alive with numerous video and audio clips that will be presented in-line as students read. The enhanced eBook will also include 50 new interactive figures. Another objective instructors have is to help students master concepts and then demonstrate that mastery. To assist instructors with this goal, the 12th edition enhanced eBook will incorporate all-new inline self-assessments, as well as gradable chapter assessment quizzes.

Recognise the rigorous scientific methodology involved in animal behavior research with an all-new "Behind the Scenes" feature, where each chapter will highlight a single research paper and look in-depth at how the research was conducted, taking a balanced view of the ultimate and proximate causes underlying how and why animals behave as they do. Rubenstein is renowned for its empirical presentation of the ultimate causes of animal behavior, and this edition will do an even better job of integrating concepts across levels of scale at the proximate level. This need will be addressed by including an even greater focus on Tinbergen's "Four Questions" and by including more integrative studies that cross levels of analysis. A 10% streamline across the content, a redesign of the chapter summaries and the addition of synthetic sections that link topics across the text and media resources will help you traverse Animal Behaviour with ease.

This title is available as an enhanced eBook. Visit VitalSource for more information or to purchase.


  • Enhanced eBook with inline videos, self-assessment interactive figures, and other standard robust enhanced eBook features
  • IOC/Dashboard with video and audio assets, end-of-chapter quizzes, Lab Manual, discussion questions
  • 10% reduction in length (primarily through cutting of extraneous examples)
  • Adding more proximate explanations and integrative examples
  • New re-designed chapter summaries

New to this Edition

  • Enhanced integration of concepts across levels of scale: Greater focus on Tinbergen's "Four Questions" & Inclusion of more integrative studies that cross levels of analysis.
  • Streamlined by approximately 10%, primarily by removal of extraneous examples.
  • Added more proximate explanations and integrative examples.
  • Re-designed chapter summaries.
  • Synthetic sections that link topics across the text and media resources will help students get through the information overload.
  • Enhanced eBook edition with numerous video and audio clips presented in-line as students read, 50 new interactive figures, inline self-assessments, lab manual, and discussion questions.


1 An Introduction to Animal Behavior
1.1 Natural Selection and the Evolution of Behavior
--1.1.1 The Cost-Benefit Approach
--1.1.2 The Levels of Analysis
--1.1.3 The Integrative Study of Animal Behavior
1.2 Approaches to Studying Behavior
1.2.1 Examining the Adaptive Basis of Behavior
1.2.2 Inferring the Evolutionary History of Behavior

2 The Integrative Study of Behavior
2.1 The Development of Song Learning
--2.1.1 Intraspecific Variation and Dialects
--2.1.2 Social Experience and Song Development
2.2 Mechanisms of Song Learning

--2.2.1 The Genetics of Song Learning
--2.2.2 The Avian Song Control System
2.3 The Evolution of Song Learning
--2.3.1 An Evolutionary History of Bird Song
--2.3.2 Song Learning: A Comparative Approach
2.4 The Adaptive Value of Song Learning
--2.4.1 Ecological and Social Correlates of Song Learning
--2.4.2 Social Competition and Mate Choice

3 The Developmental and Molecular Bases of Behavior
3.1 Behavior Requires Genes and the Environment
--3.1.1 Behavioral Ontogeny
--3.1.2 Gene Regulation Influences Behavior
3.2 The Evolutionary Development of Behavior
--3.2.1 The Evo-Devo Approach to Understanding Behavior
--3.2.2 Molecular Toolkits and the Development of Behavior
3.3 The Development of Behavioral Variation
--3.3.1 Early Life Developmental Conditions
--3.3.2 Alternative Behavioral Phenotypes

4 The Neural Basis of Behavior
4.1 Responding to Stimuli
--4.1.1 Complex Behavioral Responses to Simple Stimuli
--4.1.2 How Moths Avoid Bats
4.2 Sensory Stimuli and Nervous System Control
--4.2.1 Decision Making in the Brain
--4.2.2 Alternative Sensory Modalities 105
4.3 Translating Sensory Stimuli into Behavior
--4.3.1 Neural Mechanisms of Information Transfer
--4.3.2 Stimulus Filtering

5 The Physiological and Endocrine Bases of Behavior
5.1 Endogenous Rhythms and Changing Behavioral Priorities
--5.1.1 Endogenous versus Exogenous Control of Behavioral Priorities
--5.1.2 Mechanisms of Changing Behavioral Priorities
5.2 Cues that Entrain Cycles of Behavior
--5.2.1 Predictable Environmental Cues
--5.2.2 Unpredictable Environmental Cues
5.3 Hormones and Behavior
--5.3.1 Activational Effects of Hormones
--5.3.2 Hormonal Causes and Consequences of Behavior

6 Avoiding Predators and Finding Food
6.1 Antipredator Behavior
--6.1.1 Blending In
--6.1.2 Standing Out
--6.1.3 Social Defenses
--6.1.4 Optimality Theory and Antipredator Behavior
6.2 Foraging Behavior
--6.2.1 Optimal Foraging Theory
--6.2.2 Landscapes of Fear
--6.2.3 Cognition and Finding Food
--6.2.4 Frequency Dependence and Foraging Behavior

7 Territoriality and Movement
7.1 Where to Live
--7.1.1 Habitat
--7.1.2 Selection
--7.1.3 Territoriality
7.2 To Stay or Go
--7.2.1 Dispersal
--7.2.2 Variation in Migratory Behavior and Connectivity 225

8 Principles of Communication
8.1 Communication and Animal Signals
--8.1.1 A Communication Framework
--8.1.2 Functionally Referent Signals
8.2 The Evolution of Animal Signals
--8.2.1 Preexisting Traits
--8.2.2 Preexisting Biases
--8.2.3 Preexisting Traits versus Preexisting Biases
8.3 The Function of Animal Signals
--8.3.1 Honest Signaling
--8.3.2 Deceitful Signaling
--8.3.3 Eavesdropping on Others

9 Reproductive Behavior
9.1 Sexual Selection and the Evolution of Sex Differences
--9.1.1 Sex Differences in Behavior and Investment
--9.1.2 A Reversal in Sex Differences
9.2 Intrasexual Selection and Competition for Mates
--9.2.1 Competition and Access to Mates
--9.2.2 Conditional Mating Tactics versus Alternative Mating Strategies
--9.2.3 Sperm Competition
--9.2.4 Paternity Assurance
9.3 Intersexual Selection and Mate Choice
--9.3.1 Female Mate Choice: Direct versus Indirect Benefits
--9.3.2 Cryptic Female Choice
--9.3.3 Signal Evolution: Runaway versus Chase-Away Sexual Selection
9.4 Sexual Conflict
--9.4.1 The Manipulation of Female Choice
--9.4.2 Sexual Arms Races

10 Mating Systems
10.1 Monogamy: A Lack of Multiple Mating
--10.1.1 Why Be Monogamous? 10.1.2 Monogamy and Biparental Care
10.2 Polyandry: Multiple Mating by Females
--10.2.1 Female versus Male Control of Mating
--10.2.2 Indirect versus Direct Benefits 327
10.3 Polygyny: Multiple Mating by Males
--10.3.1 Female Defense Polygyny
--10.3.2 Resource Defense Polygyny
--10.3.3 Lek Polygyny
--10.3.4 Scramble Competition Polygyny
10.4 Polygynandry and Promiscuity: Multiple Mating by Both Sexes
--10.4.1 Polygynandry
--10.4.2 Promiscuity

11 Parental Care
11.1 Offspring Value and Parental Investment
--11.1.1 Parental Care Decisions
--11.1.2 Parental Favoritism in Offspring Care and Production
--11.1.3 Family Conflict
11.2 To Care or Not to Care
--11.2.1 Current versus Future Reproduction
--11.2.2 Sexual Conflict and Parental Care
--11.2.2 Maternal versus Paternal Care
11.3 (Non-)Discriminating Parental Care
--11.3.1 Offspring Recognition and Interspecific Brood Parasitism
--11.3.2 Coevolutionary Arms Races
--11.3.3 The Evolution of Brood Parasitism

12 Principles of Social Evolution
12.1 Altruism and Levels of Selection
--12.2.1 Individual versus Group Selection
--12.2.2 Kin Selection
12.2 Kin Selection and Inclusive Fitness Theory
--12.2.1 Haplodiploidy and the Evolution of Eusociality
--12.2.2 Inclusive Fitness and Monogamy
--12.2.3 Sterility and Caste Differentiation
12.3 Social Conflict in Animal Societies
--12.3.1 Reproductive Conflict
--12.3.2 Consequences of Social Conflict

13 Social Behavior and Sociality
13.1 Forms of Social Behavior
--13.1.1 Mutual Benefit
--13.1.2 Altruism and Reciprocity
--13.1.3 Selfishness and Spite
13.2 The Evolution of Cooperative Breeding
--13.2.1 Direct versus Indirect Benefits
--13.2.2 Costs of Breeding Cooperatively
--13.2.3 Individual Differences in Cooperative Behavior
13.3 Reproductive Conflict
--13.3.1 Social Organization and Reproductive Skew
--13.3.2 Reproductive Suppression and Senescence

14 Human Behavior
14.1 Human Speech and Complex Language
--14.1.1 The Development and Evolutionary History of Human Speech
--14.1.2 The Neurophysiology of Human Speech
--14.1.3 The Adaptive Value of Human Speech
14.2 Human Reproductive Behavior
--14.2.1 Mate Choice in Humans
--14.2.2 Social Conflict in Humans


Dustin Rubenstein is a Professor of Ecology at Columbia University and an integrative behavioral and evolutionary ecologist who studies the evolution of complex animal societies and how organisms adapt to and cope with environmental change.

Student Resources

Student enhanced e-book for Animal Behavior 12e, featuring:

  • Audio & Video
  • Interactive Figures
  • Lab Manuals
  • Flashcards
  • Self-Study Questions

Click here to access the full list of student resources

Lecturer Resources

Lecturer resources to accompany Animal Behavior 12e, including:

  • Lab Manual
  • Discussion Questions and Answers
  • Thinking Outside the Box
  • Figure PowerPoint Presentations
  • Test Bank
  • Chapter Summary

Click here to access the full list of lecturer resources