Plant Physiology and Development

Seventh Edition

Lincoln Taiz, Ian Max Møller, Angus Murphy, Eduardo Zieger

Plant Physiology and Development

Seventh Edition

Lincoln Taiz, Ian Max Møller, Angus Murphy, Eduardo Zieger






18 Nov 2022





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Plant Physiology and Development incorporates the latest advances in plant biology, making it the most authoritative and widely used upper-division plant biology textbook. Up-to-date, comprehensive, and meticulously illustrated, the seventh edition features improved integration of developmental material throughout, providing the best educational foundation possible for the next generation of plant biologists.

This updated edition includes current information to improve understanding while maintaining the core structure of the book. Figures have been revised and simplified wherever possible. To eliminate redundancy, stomatal function (Chapter 10 in the previous edition) has been reassigned to other chapters. In addition, a series of feature boxes related to climate change are also included in this edition.

An enhanced e-Book with embedded self-assessment, Web Topics and Web Essays, and Study Questions is available with this edition: Find the eBook on VitalSource.


  • Collaboration with a stellar group of contributing plant biologists ensures a current and authoritative volume that incorporates all the latest findings
  • Full-color illustrations complement and clarify the text
  • Referenced throughout, Web Topics and Web Essays on the Companion Website (Oxford Learning Link) enhance the textbook's coverage of a wide range of topics
  • In-text bold-facing highlights key terms defined in the glossary
  • Each chapter includes a Summary and Suggested Reading

New to this Edition

  • A new Introductory Unit 1, Structure and Information Systems of Plant Cells, containing four chapters that have been revised to serve as an introductory unit that can be used to ensure all students begin with a common starting point. The reorganization of Unit 1 also enables modernization of the teaching of traditional physiological topics by introducing genomics, molecular genetics, genome editing, and the basic concepts of signal transduction at the outset of the course. Unit 1 is also organized in a manner that allows the chapters to be used as reference material as students engage with the topics of subsequent chapters.
  • Inclusion of highlight boxes that address climate change and biotechnology topics that are relevant to plant physiology
  • Chapter 15: Abiotic Stress has been brought forward to serve as a tool to assist students in integration of the concepts learned in the first three units of the text
  • The subject of Vegetative Growth and Organogenesis is now addressed in two chapters. Chapter 18: Vegetative Growth on the Primary Axis focuses on meristems and primary root, shoot, and leaf development. Chapter 19: Vegetative Growth and Organogenesis: Branching and Secondary Growth includes updated sections describing the development of root architecture, cambial function, and epicormic branching.
  • Chapter 24: Biotic Interactions has been reformulated to better integrate the concepts of Development with the first three units of the text. New material on plant responses to herbivory and pathogens has been extensively incorporated into the chapter.
  • In addition to Topical Boxes, web-based Web Topics and Essays have been extensively updated to reflect new developments and to highlight plant breeding/biotechnology and the impacts of climate change. The web material amplifies the theme of integrative approaches to solve global problems in food production, renewable energy, and environmental sustainability.
  • Improves on efforts to include the most recent and important developments in plant science at a level of complexity that is appropriate for third- and fourth-year undergraduate plant physiology classes.
  • Advanced genomics, molecular-assisted breeding, and plant genome engineering with CRISPR and similar tools are presented by leaders in the field
  • Conservative nomenclature for genes, gene products, mutants, and epigenetic factors has been standardized throughout the text
  • Concise suggested readings are included at the end of each textbook chapter and links to a more extensive online bibliography. Web Topics and Web Essays include associated references.
  • New chapter authors, who are leaders in their respective field, bring an enhanced sense of relevance to the material presented


I. Structure and Information Systems of Plant Cells
1 Plant and Cell Architecture
2 Cell Walls: Structure, Formation, and Expansion
3 Genome Structure and Gene Expression
4 Signals and Signal Transduction

II. Transport and Translocation of Water and Solutes
5 Water and Plant Cells
6 Water Balance of Plants
7 Mineral Nutrition8 Solute Transport

III. Biochemistry and Metabolism
9 Photosynthesis: The Light Reactions
10 Photosynthesis: The Carbon Reactions
11 Photosynthesis: Physiological and Ecological Considerations
12 Translocation in the Phloem
13 Respiration and Lipid Metabolism
14 Assimilation of Inorganic Nutrients
15 Abiotic Stress

IV. Growth and Development
16 Signals from Sunlight
17 Germination and Establishment
18 Vegetative Growth on the Primary Axis
19 Secondary Vegetative Growth
20 Control of Flowering and Floral Development
21 Gametophyte Development, Pollination, and Fruit Development
22 Embryogenesis: The Origin of Plant Architecture
23 Plant Senescence and Cell Death
24 Biotic Interactions


Lincoln Taiz is Professor Emeritus of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Ian Max Møller is Associate Professor at Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University, Denmark.
Angus Murphy is Professor and Chair of the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture at the University of Maryland.
Eduardo Zieger is a Professor Emiritus of Biology at the University of California at Los Angeles.

Lincoln Taiz is Professor Emeritus of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of California at Santa Cruz. He received his Ph.D. in Botany from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Taiz's main research focus has been on the structure, function, and evolution of vacuolar H+-A TPases. He has also worked on gibberellins, cell wall mechanical properties, metal transport, auxin transport, and stomata] opening.

Ian Max Møller is Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University, Denmark. He received his Ph.D. in Plant Biochemistry from Imperial College, London, UK. He has worked at Lund University, Sweden, and, more recently, at Riso National Laboratory and the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen, Denmark. Professor Moller has investigated plant respiration throughout his career. His current interests include turnover ofreactive oxygen species and the role of protein oxidation in plant cells.

Angus Murphy is Professor and Chair of the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture at the University of Maryland. He earned his Ph.D. in Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1996. Dr. Murphy studies ATP-binding cassette transporters, auxin transport proteins, and the role of auxin transport in programmed and plastic growth.

Eduardo Zieger is a Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University of California at Los Angeles. He received a Ph.D. in Plant Genetics at the University of California at Davis. His research interests include stomatal function, the sensory transduction of blue-light responses, and the study of stomatal acclimations associated with increases in crop yields.

Student Resources

The student resources to accompany Plant Physiology and Development, Seventh Edition include the following:

  • Web Topics & Essays
  • Flashcards
  • Study Questions
  • References
  • Appendices

Click here to access the full list of student resources

Lecturer Resources

The lecturer resources to accompany Plant Physiology and Development, Seventh Edition include the following:

  • Figure PowerPoints

Click here to access the full list of lecturer resources


"An excellent textbook for use in both plant physiology and plant biochemistry courses. The book presents concepts in language that undergraduates readily grasp, with excellent illustrations and great digital resources for the instructors." -- Joshua Blakeslee, The Ohio State University

"The integration of climate change is a huge bonus to me and one that I think will make the material more relevant to students." -- Danielle Way, Australian National University

"This is an excellent textbook for introductory plant physiology that covers most aspects of plant growth and development." -- Susheng Gan, Cornell University