As the Romans Did

A Sourcebook in Roman Social History

Third Edition

Jo-Ann Shelton, Pauline Ripat

As the Romans Did

A Sourcebook in Roman Social History

Third Edition

Jo-Ann Shelton, Pauline Ripat






22 Nov 2022




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As the Romans Did offers a rich, revealing look at everyday Roman life. It provides clear, lively translations of a fascinating array of documents drawn from Latin and Greek source material--from personal letters, farming manuals, medical texts, and recipes to poetry, graffiti, and tombstone inscriptions. Each selection has been translated into readable, contemporary English. Extensive annotations, abundant biographical notes, maps, appendices, cross-references to related topics, and a newly updated bibliography provide students with the historical and cultural background material necessary to appreciate the selections.

Arranged thematically into chapters on family life, housing, education, entertainment, religion, and other important topics, the translations reveal the ambitions and aspirations not only of the upper class, but of the average Roman citizen as well. They tell of the success and failure of Rome's grandiose imperialist policies and also of the pleasures and hardships of everyday life. Wide-ranging and lively, the third edition of As the Romans Did offers the most lucid account available of Roman life in all its diversity.

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Preface to the Third Edition Figures, Charts, and Maps Acknowledgements About the Authors Introduction The Roman Ideal 1. Horatius at the Bridge, Veturia outside the Walls I. The Structure of Roman Society Social Structure 2. Rule by the " 3, 4. Definitions of Justice and Law 5, 6. Discrimination in Assigning Penalties Paternalism and Patronage 7. Patrician and Plebeian 8. Patrons and Clients in Republican Rome 9. Patrons and Clients in Imperial Rome 10. Seeking a Handout 11. Patrons and Patrons 12. Rude Patrons 12. Another Rude Patron 14. No Free Lunches (or Dinners) II. Families Fathers 15. Patria Potestas 16. Horace's Father 17. Quintilian's Sons 18. Cicero's Grief Image 2.1. Marcus Cornelius Statius and His Father Mothers 19. The Ideal 20. Memory of a Warm Moment 21. Maternal Tenderness 22. A Mother's Concern 23. An Ungrateful Son Blended Families 24. Step-Parents Brothers and Sisters 25. Brotherly Love 26. Sisterly Affection Producing a Family 27. Fertility 28, 29. Birth Announcements 30. Miscarriage 31. Infant Deaths Image 2.2. Commemoration of a Child Birth Control 32, 33. Contraception 34, 35. Abortion 36, 37. Exposure Encouraging Fertility 38-40. The Legislation of Augustus Adoption 41. An Adoption Agreement 42. Giving Away One's Child Raising Children 43. Filial Obedience 44. Spoiled Brats 45. Advice about Parental Severity 46, 47. Nurses 48. Paedagogues 49. A Persistant Paedagogue Guardians 50. Appointing Guardians Orphans 51. An Appeal for Help Welfare Assistance 52. Public Assistance Image 2.3. Trajan's Charity 53. Private Charity III. Marriage The Age of Marriage Partners 54. Child Brides Arranged Marriages 55. Matchmakers Weddings 56. A Wedding Song 57. A Marriage Contract 58. Expectations of Marriage Image 3.1. Harmonious Marriage Wives 59. The Duties of a Wife 60. A Perfect Marriage 61, 62. Calpurnia, Pliny's Wife 63. Quintilian's Wife 64. Love for a Wife 65, Image 3.2. A Good Wife Husbands 66. Battered Wives 67. Wife-Beating 68. Love for a Husband ln-Laws 69, 70. Family Intervention Divorce 71. A Divorce Agreement 72. Response to Divorce Adultery 73. Where to Meet 74. Deceiving One's Husband 75. Poems to a Mistress 76. Another Perspective 77. Laws to Control Adultery 78. Augustus's Own Behavior IV. Housing and City Life Single-Family Houses in the City 79. Designs for City Houses Image 4.1. A House at Pompeii Apartments 80. Complaints from an Apartment Dweller 81. A Dingy Apartment Images 4.2, 4.3 Apartment Buildings 82. A Landlord's Problems House Prices 83. The High Cost of Living in Rome Rental Advertisements 84, 85. Shops and Apartments for Rent Homeowner's Insurance 86. Fire Insurance The Benefits of City Life 87. Aqueducts 88. Roads, Sewers, and the Campus Martius Image 4.4. The Streets of Herculaneum 89. Toilets 90, 91. Roads The Problems of City Life 92. Crowds, Traffic, and Muggers 93. Noise 94. Theft 95. Burglary 96. Neighbors Housing in Rural Areas 97. Farm Houses 98. Vacation Villas V. Domestic and Personal Concerns Meals Images 5.1, 5.2. Bread, the Staff of Life 99. A Peasant's Dinner 100. A Modest Dinner Image 5.3. Dinner at Home 101. A Dinner Invitation 102. A Rejected Host 103. Recipe for Fish Sauce 104. Numidian Chicken 105. Rabbit with Fruit Sauce 106. Liver Sausage 107. Anchovy Delight without the Anchovies 108. Sweet and Sour Pork Illness 109. Dysentery 110. Asthma Medical Treatments 111. Jaundice 112. Broken Bones 113. Strains and Bruises Doctors 114. Medical Training 115, 116. Change of Profession 117. Distrust of Doctors Image 5.4. Medical Professions 118. Midwives Life Expectancy 119. Lutatia Secundina 120. Magnilla 121. Mercurius 122. Firminus Death 123. Death Notices 124. Cicero's Grief 125. Condolences Funerary Laws and Funerals 126. Funerary Laws 127. Curses on Tomb Violators 128. Funerals 129. A Funeral Club 130. Final Words: An Epitaph Personal Messages 131-133. The Walls of Pompeii VI. Education The Roman Ideal 134. A Traditional Education A Child's Early Years 135. The Role of the Parents Image 6.1. A Parent's Hopes Teachers and Schools 136. Private Tutors 137. Orbilius, the Schoolteacher 138. Corporal Punishment 139. A Schoolteacher's Hours 140. A Schoolteacher's Salary 141. Incentives for Learning 142. Book Awards 143. An Endowment for a School 144. A Letter Home The Litterator 145. A Day in the Life of a Schoolboy Image 6.2. Writing Equipment 146. Morals and Memorization 147. An Arithmetic Lesson 148. Enough Education for the Average Man Vocational Training 149. Apprenticeship to a Weaver 150. Career Choice 151. Girls at Work The Grammaticus 152. Curriculum Image 5.3. School of the Grammaticus The Rhetor 153. The Good Old Days 154, 155. Classroom Exercises 156. Pity the Teacher 157. Criticism of the Rhetor's Exercises 158. Criticism of the " 159. The Ideal Orator A Year Abroad 160. Studying in Athens VII. Occupations The Day's Activities 161. Dividing Up the Day 162. City Life Working for a Living 163. Scorn for the Working Class 164. Tradesmen and Craftsmen Image 7.1. A Produce Seller 165. Workers 166. Pride of Workmanship 167. Temporary Employment 168. Wage and Price Control Image 7.2. A Butcher's Shop 169. The Grain Dole Business and Investments 170. The Roman Attitude toward Profit 171. Traders 172. Rome, The Center of Trade 173. Moneylending 174. Loan Companies 175. War Bonds 176. Cato's Financial Activities 177. A Real Estate Speculator 178. A Government Construction Contract 179. A Government Contract for Military Provisions 180. Contract Fraud 181, 182. Government Contracts for Tax Collection 183. Money lending in the Provinces 184. Kingmakers Activities of the Senatorial Class 185. Pliny's Investments 186. Pliny's Activities Agriculture 187. An Attempt at Land Reform Image 7.3. A Farmer's Toil 188. Tillers of the Field 189. Tenant Farmers 190. Sharecroppers 191. A Farmer's Life 192. Shepherds 193. Harassment of Shepherds 194. Farmers and Heroes 195. Retreat from Reality 196. The Romantic Vision 197. The Country Mouse and the City Mouse VIII. Enslaved Persons Enslavement 198. Captives of War Image 8.1: Enslaving People Selling Slaves 199. Regulations Buying Slaves 200. A Contract for the Sale of a Slave 201. A Friend's Advice Renting Slaves 202. A Contract for the Rental of a Slave Slaves in the City and on the Farm 203. Household Slaves 204. Adjusting to Enslavement Image 8.2 Duties of the Enslaved 205. State-Owned Slaves 206. Choosing Slaves for the Farm 207. Farm Slaves and a Frugal Owner 208. Managing Slaves Slaves in the Mines 209. Spanish Silver Mines Slaves in a Mill 210. A Flour Mill Cruelty to Slaves 211. Flogging 212. Sadism 213. Brutality 214. Cruel Laws Flight Image 8.3, 215, 216. Slave Collars 217. A Search for a Fugitive Slave Slave Revolts 218. Revolt within the Household 219. A Widespread Revolt Gentler Treatment 220. Benevolence 221. A Stoic View of Slavery 222. Laws to Curb Cruelty 223. Hadrian's Legislation 224. Reiteration 225. Humane Interpretation of the Laws 226. Enslaved Families IX. Freedmen and Freedwomen Reasons for Manumission 227. Recognition of Talent 228. Recognition of Intelligence 229. Freeing Possible Witnesses 230. Adoption 231. Marriage 232. Criticism of the Manumission Process Roman Attitudes toward Freedmen and Freedwomen 233. The Stereotype of the Wealthy Freedman 234. Resentment 235. Prejudice against Foreigners Freedpersons and the Job Market 236. Construction Work 237. Herald 238. Teacher 239. Slaughterer 240. Maid Freedpersons and Their Patrons 241. Legal Obligations 242. The Ideal Freedman 243. A Troubled Relationship 244. A Generous Patron 245. Another Kind Patron 246. Selective Kindness Private and Social Life 247. A Life Story 248. Friendship between Freedpersons Image 9.1. Freedpersons and Family 249. Mother and Daughter 250. Seeking Respectability Image 9.2. Self-Presentation X. Government and Politics The Assemblies 251. The Comitia 252. Comitia and Concilium: Some Differences 253. Lex and Plebiscitum 254. Contio Magistrates 255. The Functions of the Magistrates 256. The Titles of the Magistrates 251. The Development of the Magistracies Image 10.1. Monarchical Power and Republican Magistrates 258. The Duties of the Consuls 259. The Responsibilities of a Magistrate 260. Friends in Power 261. Abuse of Power Political Campaigns 262. Planning a Campaign 263. Campaign Literature Image 10.2. Election Endorsements The Senate 264. The Senate in the Republican Period 265. The Senate and the People 266. The Senate and the Equestrians Government in the Early Imperial Period 267. The Powers of Augustus 268. The Prefect of the City 269, 270. Careers in the Government 271. The End of Popular Elections 272, 273. Freedom of Speech 274. The Emperor and the Senate 275, 276. The Benefits of Imperial Rule Legislation 277. Roman Self-Styling 278. Sources of Legislation 279-281. Categories 282. Definitions 283-289. Equity 290. The Force of Custom XI. The Roman Army The Army during the Republican Period 291. The Army before Marius's Reforms 292. A Good Republican Soldier 293. A Triumph The Army during the Imperial Period 294. Reasons for the Army's Success 295. Enlistment 296. Training 297-299. Discipline 300. Pay Records 301. Supply and Service Troops 302, Image 11.1. A Letter Home 303. A Letter of Recommendation 304. How to Advance Quickly 305. Soldiers and the Emperor 306. A Mutiny 307, 308. The Height of Recruits 309. Avoiding the Draft 310. Soldiers and Civilians 311. Requisitions 312. Military Justice 313. Life on the Frontier 314. Retirement in the Provinces Image 11.2. Life and Death of a Veteran 315. The Danube Frontier 316. Roman Families in Britain XII. Provincial Administration Provincial Administration Image 12.1. Provincial Resources and Roman Perceptions Image 12.2. Grain for Rome 317. The Theory of Provincial Administration 318. The Publican Problem 319. Cicero as Governor 320. The Noble Brutus 321. A Most Unscrupulous Governor 322. Fear of Rebellion 323. Hatred of Roman Rule 324. The Benefits of Roman Rule Image 12.3. Roman Shoes at the Edge of the Empire XIII. Women in Roman Society Childhood 325. Little Women Image 13.1. Toys for Girls 326. Single Women Life Expectancy 327. A Brief Life Image 13.2. Commemorating an Untimely Death 328. Death in Childbirth 329. Femicide Praiseworthy Behavior 330. The Virtues of Women 331. An Outstanding example of Pietas 332. Emotional Control 333. Loyalty 334. Patience Image 13.3. Tidy Appearance Unacceptable Behavior 335. Scandalous Conduct 336. Women and Politics 337. Women and Too Much Education 338. Women and Luxuries 339. Women and Theatrical Performances 340. Women and Vanity Hysteria 341. Symptoms 342. Causes and Cures Women at Work 343. A Dressmaker 344. A Hairdresser 345. A Fishmonger 346. Farm Women 347. Companions to Shepherds XIV. Leisure and Entertainment Leisure Activities 348, 349. The Pleasures of Life 350. Gambling and Gaming 351. Athletic Activities Baths 352. The Good Old Days 353. Living Above a Public Bath Building 354. The Design of a Bath Building Dinner Parties 355. Fishing for a Dinner Invitation 356. An Early Dinner Guest 357. A Thrifty Man 358. Roman Doggy Bags 359. A Shameless Guest 360. A Napkin Thief 361. A Rude Host 362. House of the Moralist Recitations 363. The Persistent Poet 364. The Popularity of Recitations 365. A Recitation at Pliny's House Hunting and Literary Studies 366. Pliny's Hunting Expedition 367. A Day in the Country Travel 368. Along the Appian Way 369. Hotel Sign 370. Hotel Bars 371. Dishonest Innkeepers 372. Hotel Prostitutes 373. Homesickness 374. Loneliness 375. No Trespassing 376. The Ancient Jet Set Spectacles 377. Caesar's Games 378. Nero's Games 379. Political Wisdom 380. The Road to Decadence Circus Events 381. A Driver's Winning Techniques Image 14.1. A Chariot Race 382. A Day at the Races 383. Fanatical Fans 384. A Successful Driver 385. Cursing One's Opponent 386. A Young Driver 387. A Family of Drivers 388. A Famous Driver Theater Events 389. The Problems of a Playwright 390. Pantomime Arena Events 391, 392. Advertising Amphitheater Events 393. Fight Statistics Image 14.2. A Combat of Gladiators 394. Fans 395. An Unsympathetic Point of View 396. A More Enlightened View 397. Rounding Up the Animals 398. The Harmful Results of Spectacles 399. Escaping the Tortures of the Arena 400. The Victim's Perspective 401. Fascination and Addiction XV. Religion and Philosophy Religion and Society 402. Roman Religiosity 403. Religion and Roman Social Cohesion 404. Religion and Imperial Success Deities 405. 1. " Deities of Roman Public Religion 406, 407. Epithets 408. 2. Minor Deities with Specific Powers 409, 410. 3. Deities of the Environment 411. 4. Household Deities Image 15.1. A Lararium 412. Worship on the Farm 413. 5. Ancestral Deities 414, 415. 6. Imported Deities 416. Welcoming the Gods of the Enemy 417. 7. Deities in the Provinces Emperors as Deities 418, 419. Tiberius' Resistance to Emperor Worship Ritual 420, 421. Words and Actions 422. Prayer and Sacrifice 423, 424. Acceptable Victims 425. Ritual for Purification 426. Ambarvalia Image 15.2. A suovetaurilia 427, 428. Vows 429. Oaths 430, 431, 432. Curses Priests 433. Pontifices 434, 435. Vestal Virgins 436. Fratres Arvales Divination 437. Augury and the Augures 438. A Cautionary Tale 439. Extispicy and the Haruspices 440, 441. The Sibylline Books and the Quindecimviri Sacris Faciundis 442, 443. Private Divination Religious Space The Roman Calendar 444. Naming the Days Festivals 445. Lupercalia 446. Saturnalia 447. Saturnalia Gifts Crisis 448. Hannibal in Italy 449. Civil War Religions from the East Bacchus 450. Suppression of the Bacchanalia 451. The Edict of the Senate Isis 452. Worship of the Goddess 453. Christian Skepticism Encounters with Monotheism Judaism 454. The Jewish Community in Rome and the Emperor Tiberius 455. The Jewish Community and the Emperors Augustus and Caligula 456. The Jewish Community in Alexandria and the Emperor Claudius Christianity 457. The Promises of Christianity 458, 459. Christians in the First Century A.D. 460. Imperial Advice about Dealing with Christians 461. Christian Reaction to Trajan's Rescriptum 462. Misconceptions about Christianity 463. A Christian's Reply to the Accusations 464. Martyrs 465. Systematic Persecution 466. Toleration 467. Resistance to Intolerance 468. Christian Intolerance Philosophy Epicureanism 469. The Reasons for Studying Philosophy 470. The First Principal 471. The Second Principal 472. Proof of the Existence of Atoms 473. Void 474. Life and Death Stoicism 475. The Promise of Philosophy 476. Stoic Definition of Happiness 477. Fate and Free Will 478. Emotions 479. The Invulnerability of the Wise Man 480. Death as True Freedom 481. Training and Preparation 482. Self-Discipline and Steadfastness Genealogy Charts Maps Appendix I: Sources Appendix II: Roman Money Appendix III: Important Dates and Events Suggestions for Further Reading Thematic Questions Index


Jo-Ann Shelton

Pauline Ripat

Jo-Ann Shelton is Professor of Classics (Emerita) at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Pauline Ripat is Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Winnipeg (Canada).


"This text is an engaging look at the Romans' material and cultural world. It offers students the opportunity to delve deeply into such topics as Roman laws, the job market in the Roman world, women in Roman society, agriculture in antiquity, ancient medicine, and many other aspects of daily life in ancient Rome. Shelton brings Roman social history to life in a way that will encourage the book's audience to see how this ancient society has influenced our modern world and also how life has changed over time."--Jennifer Rea, University of Florida

"This text is comprehensive in its coverage of many different aspects of Roman society and culture. The selections are well chosen and provide a vivid picture of Roman life. The introductions are clear and easy to understand, and the footnotes provide essential explanations of terms and other valuable information."--Marie-Thérèse Champagne, University of West Florida

"As the Romans Did doesn't shy away from highlighting how the Roman world was a place of conflicting decisions and practices. The selections are not overly long, and the footnotes are pitched at an interested general reader."--Robyn LeBlanc, University of North Carolina, Greensboro