Classification and Cognition

William K. Estes

Classification and Cognition

William K. Estes






1 Sep 1996


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Oxford Psychology Series

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"Sets a standard for rigor, parsimony and theoretical elegance in cognitive modeling....Offers a coherent and predictive system for tackling both specific and general issues." --Science


1: Introduction and Basic Concepts
1.1: Classification and Cognition: An Overview
1.2: The Array Model Framework
2: Category Structures and Categorization
2.1: Similarity in Theories of Classification
2.2: Predicting Categorization Performance
3: Models for Category Learning
3.1: The Exemplar-Similarity Model
3.2: Network-based Learning Models
4: Categorization and Memory Processing
5: On the Storage and Retrieval of Categorical Information
6: Extensions and Applications of the Exemplar-Similarity Model
7: Categorization and Recognition
8: Categorization and Cognition: Reprise


William K. Estes , Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, United States


"The research presented here is important for three reasons. First, it sets a standard for rigor, parsimony and theoretical elegance in cognitive modeling. Second. . . it offers a coherent and predictive system for tackling both specific and general issues. Third, it provides formal tools for quantitative modeling of complex systems that researchers in many fields could effectively borrow."--Science

"The research presented here is important for three reasons. First, it sets a standard for rigor, parsimony and theoretical elegance in cognitive modeling. Second. . . it offers a coherent and predictive system for tackling both specific and general issues. Third, it provides formal tools for quantitative modeling of complex systems that researchers in many fields could effectively borrow." --Science

"The book serves as a summary of the empirical and theoretical underpinnings of current ideas in classification and cognition....Estes appears at his best when articulating the limitations and merits of each approach. --Psychological Reports

"In summary, this is an impressive volume. . .Estes presents a very systematic process of constructing detailed models. . .that will be useful for understanding cognitive processes and making progress in all areas of cognitive psychology." --Contemporary Psychology