Save Buk: PNG Upper Secondary - Geography, Grade 11

Bryant Allen

Save Buk: PNG Upper Secondary - Geography, Grade 11

Bryant Allen






1 Apr 2015




Save Buk

$35.45 AUD

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Geography Grade 11 is one of the titles in the Save Buk series specially written for PNG Upper Secondary courses at Grades 11 & 12.


This book gives students concise coverage of the information needed to successfully complete the Grade 11 Geography course. The order of Units in the book follows the order of Units in the Geography Grade 11 syllabus exactly:


Unit 11.1 The Structure of the Earth

Unit 11.2 Natural Processes and Disasters

Unit 11.3 Oceanography

Unit 11.4 Population Studies


This book is written in a manner that best develops an overall understanding of the Geography concepts and processes set out in the syllabus. The Glossary/Index at the end of the book explains the specific terminology that students need for the study of Biology.


GEOGRAPHY Grade 11: Contents      


Preliminary Unit

Skills in Geography


Unit 11.1 The Structure of the Earth                                                         

Topic 1: Composition of the Earth – the four spheres

Topic 2: Composition of the Earth – its layered structure                                                                        

Topic 3: Composition of the Earth – rocks and soil-forming proceses

Topic 4: Geomorphic processes – erosion, transportation and deposition

Topic 5: Geomorphic process – mass movements

Topic 6: Internal forces and plate tectonics – theory and evidence

Topic 7: Internal forces and plate tectonics – faulting, folding and resultant landforms

Topic 8: Internal forces and plate tectonics – earthquakes, volcanism and associated hazards

Topic 9: Papua New Guinea’s volcanoes


Unit 11.2 Natural Processes                                                           

Topic 1: Air pressure and global wind systems                                      

Topic 2: Climates of the world                                                               

Topic 3: Natural vegetation

Topic 4: Natural disasters – causes, effects and mitigation

Topic 5: Natural disasters – extreme weather, floods and cyclones

Topic 6: Global climate change

Topic 7: Responses to natural disasters – community, government, international                                                 


Unit 11.3 Oceanography                                                     

Topic 1: The world’s oceans – an introduction                                                                            

Topic 2: The world’s oceans – sea water, currents, temperatures, climates                                                           

Topic 3: Ownership and control of the oceans – global concerns, international treaties                                        

Topic 4: Use of the oceans – fishing and sustainability

Topic 5: Use of the oceans – nuclear testing in the Pacific and Indian oceans

Topic 6: Use of the oceans – shipping

Topic 7: Use of the oceans - tourism                 


Unit 11.4 Population Studies                                                                      

Topic 1: Population – change, trends, rates                                           

Topic 2: Population trends in Papua New Guinea                                                                       

Topic 3: Papua New Guinea’s population

Topic 4: Patterns, processes and issues in Monsoon Asia





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