Oxford Spelling Student Book Year 4

First Edition

Tessa Daffern

Oxford Spelling Student Book Year 4

First Edition

Tessa Daffern






4 May 2021




Oxford Spelling

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Oxford Spelling is an evidence-based, whole-school program supporting spelling development and best-practice classroom instruction.

Planned and written by Dr Tessa Daffern, Oxford Spelling incorporates the latest spelling research into a flexible and practical classroom resource. This comprehensive series enables teachers to teach spelling generalisations and strategies sequentially and explicitly, and connect spelling knowledge to reading, writing and other disciplines.

Features of the series:

  • Alignment to the latest Australian, Victorian and NSW curricula, and support for the ACARA Literacy Progressions
  • Full colour Student Books that provide a systematic exploration of words through phonology, orthography and morphology
  • Excerpts from fiction and non-fiction literary texts that expand student vocabulary and nurture appreciation for reading and writing
  • Coverage of Oxford Wordlist high frequency words in Years F–2
  • ‘Bringing it together’ activities that allow practice and consolidation of the phonological, orthographic and morphological skills


Dr Tessa Daffern has contributed to education in many capacities for over twenty years: as a classroom teacher in schools, a teaching and learning specialist, a literacy coordinator, an academic, and is currently Director and Principal Education Consultant at Literacy Education Solutions. Tessa’s PhD examined the teaching and learning of spelling and writing in Australian school contexts and involved almost 1,400 students across 17 schools.

Tessa has scoped, planned and written the Oxford Spelling series to incorporate the best and latest spelling research into a flexible and practical classroom resource that supports educators in delivering best-practice spelling instruction in schools.