Oxford Science 10 Western Australian Curriculum Student book + obook assess

Oxford Science 10 Western Australian Curriculum Student book + obook assess
9780190307240 |
Binding: |
Paperback + obook |
Published: |
10 Nov 2016 |
Availability: |
Series: |
$74.95 AUD
$85.99 NZD
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Oxford Science 10 Western Australian Curriculum is a text book with a focus on clear and precise concept development for all learners.
Key features:
- Content focuses on clear, accessible language and is written for all students
- One spread = one concept = one lesson
- Each double-page spread unit opens with a short summary of the concept
- Each chapter is made up of highly engaging spreads with questions to check understanding
- Comprehensive chapter reviews
- ‘Science as a Human Endeavour’ sections throughout, linking science concepts to real world applications
- All experiments in one convenient section at the back of the book, allowing for a more spacious layout and clearer instructions to improve student comprehension.
- The student book includes obook assess, a digital version of the print book with additional interactive features and an indispensable assessment tool.
Chapter 1: Genetics
Chapter 2: Evolution
Chapter 3: The periodic table
Chapter 4: Chemical reactions
Chapter 5: Global systems
Chapter 6: The universe
Chapter 7: Motion and energy
Chapter 8: Experiments
Helen Silvester
Helen Silvester has been an educator for over 20 years and has held Head of Science positions in a number of schools. She was shortlisted for the 2014 and 2017 Prime Minister’s Secondary Science Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools and was Victoria's representative for the BHP Billiton Science Teachers Awards.
Helen has a wealth of experience writing and reviewing and has been an active participant in the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA), Australian School Science Information Support for Teachers and Technicians (ASSIST) and Science Teachers Association Victoria (STAV). Helen has also worked as a researcher at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and the Royal Children’s Hospital. Currently Helen is Director at the STEAM-focused Casey Tech School.
Siew Yap
Siew is Head of Science at Kingsway Christian College and has a PhD in Science Education. Her main research interest is the area of bioethics and values in science education.
Sample Pages
Here are some sample pages for your reference.