Biology for Queensland Units 3&4 Student workbook

Jess Sautner, Robyn Flexman

Biology for Queensland Units 3&4 Student workbook

Jess Sautner, Robyn Flexman






14 Oct 2019




Biology for Queensland

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The new Queensland Senior Biology syllabus affects all aspects of teaching and learning – new teaching content, new course structure and a new approach to assessment. As Secondary Publisher of the Year 2017 and 2018, Oxford University Press is committed to helping teachers and students in Queensland reach their full potential.

Biology for Queensland: An Australian Perspective Student workbooks are standalone resources designed to help students succeed in their internal and external assessments. With an engaging design, full-colour photos and relevant diagrams throughout, the Student workbooks include:

  • a Toolkit chapter focused on internal assessments and cognitive verbs
  • Data drill activities that help students develop the key skills in analysis and interpretation required for the Data test
  • Experiment explorer activities that support the modification of a practical as required in the Student experiment
  • Research review activities that allow students to practise how to evaluate a claim and identify credible sources for the Research investigation
  • Exam excellence activities that allow students to practice multiple choice and short answer questions in preparation for the external examination
  • handy study tips throughout the chapters
  • practice internal assessments for the Data test, Student experiment and Research investigation
  • write-in worksheets for all mandatory and suggested practicals
  • appendices such as the periodic table and formulas
  • answers to all activities and practice assessments.


Chapter 1 The Biology toolkit  
Responding to cognitive verbs
The Data test
The Student Experiment
The Research Investigation

Word wizard

Chapter 2 Biodiversity
Data drill 2
Experiment explorer 2
Research review 2
Exam excellence 2

Chapter 3 Biological interactions  
Data drill 3
Experiment explorer 3
Research review 3
Exam excellence 3

Chapter 4 Functioning ecosystems
Data drill 4
Experiment explorer 4
Research review 4
Exam excellence 4

Chapter 5 Populations
Data drill 5
Experiment explorer 5
Exam excellence 5

Chapter 6 Changes in ecosystems
Data drill 6
Experiment explorer 6
Research review 6
Exam excellence 6

Unit 3: Assessments
Data test
Student experiment
Research investigation

Word wizard

Chapter 7 DNA structure and replication  
Research review 7
Exam excellence 7

Chapter 8 Cellular replication and variation  
Research review 8
Exam excellence 8

Chapter 9 Gene expression  
Research review 9
Exam excellence 9

Chapter 10 Mutation
Research review 10
Exam excellence 10

Chapter 11 Inheritance  
Research review 11
Exam excellence 11

Chapter 12 Biotechnology  
Research review 12
Exam excellence 12

Chapter 13 The concept of evolution  
Research review 13
Exam excellence 13

Chapter 14 Microevolution  
Research review 14
Exam excellence 14
Unit 4: Assessments
Research investigation

Chapter 15 Practical manual  

Periodic table


Jess Sautner
Jess Sautner is an experienced Biochemist and works as a STEM outreach coordinator at Deakin University. She was previously a Science teacher at Bacchus Marsh Grammar and has extensive experience working with VCE Science students entering University. Previous to her work in Science education and communication she worked at CSIRO, CSL and as a microbiologist and virologist in industry.

Series reviewer: Robyn Flexman
Robyn is an experienced Biology teacher and Head of Science. She has been involved in the QCAA review panel in a number of roles and has also been involved in the endorsement process for the new SATE system. In 2011, she received a Peter Doherty Award for Outstanding Science Teacher. Robyn has also worked as a project officer for QMEA and presented at international conferences and CONASTA.

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