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International Law of Human Rights
- Provides a unique Global South perspective, offering a broad view of the subject area.
- Focuses on the historical and philosophical foundations of human rights before exploring global and regional systems for their protection, and key substantive rights.
- Also available as an e-book with functionality, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support.

International Law
- New chapters Acquisition of Territory, International Economic Law, and International Space Law.
- Provides wide-ranging, critical analysis of all of the key issues and themes in public international law.
- Suitable for students and academics with varying prior exposure to international law.

Crime, Criminality and Criminal Justice
- Updated with the most current examples and references, as well as emerging issues and trends.
- Encourages critical thinking about the subject matter and features thought-provoking discussion questions and issues for consideration.
- Includes new discussion topics including media criminology, cybercrime, green criminology, and critical forensic studies.

Commercial Applications of Company Law
- Includes updated legislation on virtual meetings and electronic documents in response to COVID-19.
- An accessible introduction that explains the application of corporate law in an understandable and relevant manner.
- Guides readers through complex legislation and contemporary issues with expert commentary and practical demonstrations.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Relations
- Introduces the major issues faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people under the Anglo-Australian legal system
- Engages students in key debates such as reparations for the Stolen Generation, Constitutional recognition, national child welfare policy reforms, and state-based treaty processes.

Crime & Criminology
- A comprehensive intro to the study of crime with key theories
- 7th edition updated with three new chapters and expands on the new directions
- Equips students with the skills to understand their own theoretical perspectives, social context, history, and concepts of each criminological theory

Principles of Administrative Law
- A sophisticated and clear account of what can be a dense and complex subject area.
- A text that challenges readers to think more deeply and consider the role administraive law plays in the control of public or governmental power in a comtemporary setting.
- This book is supported by Cases for Principles of Administrative Law; a volume which guides further reading and reflection on the core concepts and principles.

Cases for Principles of Administrative Law
- A collection of cases that develops students’ legal reasoning skills while highlighting the application of administrative law principles
- Designed to use with Principles of Administrative Law with readings that promote a deep understanding of the way administrative law adjudication is structured.

Connecting with Law
- Challenges students' assumptions and develops critical thinking skills while sharing the essential practical knowledge to succeed in law.
- Showcases the many career pathways in law, new ways of working post-COVID and emphasises wellbeing in the workplace throughout law law studies career journeys.
- Essential updates and amendments reflect recent changes and contemporary issues in the law space.

Corporate Law
- Examines the legal principles and policies that govern companies and how these interact with corporate functions.
- Brings the accessibility of an introductory text together with the depth and analysis of a higher-level text, providing students with a solid understanding of key topics.
- Includes major content updates to reflect new topics and reforms, alongside an updated Instructors' Resource Manual to support academics' delivery of content.

Law and Justice in Australia
- Takes a historical, critical and contextual approach to law and justice, supported by cases, articles and commentary.
- Prepares students to start thinking like lawyers; challenging them to deal with significant material, think deeply about law and society, and develop critical skills.
- A focus on professional orientation and skills development for employability and updated legislation to reflect recent changes.

Australian Constitutional Law
- A scaffolded approach makes this text easy for students to digest the concepts and frameworks in Australian constitutional law.
- Cases studies embedded in the text provide insight into applying theory to practice.
- Allows students to learn the historical context of Australian constitutional law and identify how it continues to evolve.

Sports Law
- Using strong pedagogical features to support learning, this book introduces the body of law that regulates all sporting activities in Australia.
- Offers updated and authoritative information reflecting major legislative and case-law changes in sports law.
- New case study examples cover recent controversies in Australian and international sports, illustrating application of theory.

Media Law
- Examines the principles underpinning areas of law that are most relevant to the media.
- Critical perspectives from academic disciplines provide conceptual frameworks to understand and interpret media law.
- Updated excerpts from new cases and changes in legislation to defamation and privacy laws allow students to comprehend relevant practices.

Practical Legal Skills
- Focuses on the development of interpersonal skills such as, communication and negotiation alongside practical skills of writing, advising and interviewing.
- Addresses new and arising issues of online security and analysis of contemporary ethical problems.
- Supports students in graduating with the relevant skills and capabilities to confidently practice law.

Australian Intellectual Property
- A critical introduction to Australian intellectual property law
- Includes new cases to reflect the significant changes in IP law
- Incorporates significant legislative changes and discusses key policy proposals.

Public International Law
- A concise, authoritative introduction to public international law
- Provides students with the tools to analyse, critique, and deepen their understanding
- Includes topics unique to the teaching of international law, such as human rights law, law of the sea and international criminal law.

Labour Law
- An introduction to the concepts and principles that govern the world of work
- Offers a concise, thematic structure to understanding the relationships under which people perform work in a contemporary society
- Explains the underlying broad themes of labour and employment law rather than the technical details.

Criminology Skills
- Establishes a strong, comprehensive skill foundation to build competence and confidence in students.
- Range of interactive student resources available online with eBook purchase including practical exercises, walkthroughs and knowledge testing activites.
- Covers both criminological study skills and research skills.

Ethics and Legal Professionalism in Australia
- Introduces students to the ethics and professional responsibilities that they will encounter in practice
- Outlines the concepts, rules and conflicts relating to legal ethics
- Updated to address the considerable changes to the legal profession and the environment.

Corporations Law
- A concise, practical approach to teaching corporations law
- Designed flexibly for a one semester course or a shorter block model course
- Student-focused structure of chapters which focus on individual topics relevant to the study of corporate law.

Corporations Law Workbook
- Complementary workbook to the Corporations Law textbook
- Provides targeted exercises to develop students’ strong practical skills
- Takes a scaffolded approach, starting with easy activities and building to more complex tasks.

Statutory Interpretation
- Revitalises learning of statutory interpretation as a living, breathing and dynamic tool for understanding and applying the law
- Guides students through applying statutory interpretation rules with a problem-solving methodology
- Takes a skills-based approach with practical case and application exercises.

Australian Constitutional Law
- Explains and evaluates the Australian constitutional system in relation to the classical principles of constitutional government such as the rule of law, separation of powers, representation, executive responsibility, federalism and fundamental rights.

Australian Criminal Law in the Common Law Jurisdictions
- Introduces the fundamentals of criminal law focusing on the common law states
- Critical thinking questions consolidate student understanding and help in applying criminal law principles
- Includes clear case extracts, relevant legislative amendments and incisive author commentary throughout.

Criminalisation and Criminal Responsibility in Australia
- Brings together significant contributions across criminal law scholarly thinking and scholarship—criminalisation and criminal responsibility
- Provides a snapshot of key issues across the Australian criminal justice landscape
- Written by some of Australia’s leading criminal law and procedure scholars.

Australian Criminal Justice
- Analyses the influences affecting criminal justice and examines the institutional and administrative features of its operation in all jurisdictions
- Guides students through the stages of a case from investigation to sentencing
- Critical reflection questions promote further thought and develop understanding.

Contemporary Security Studies
- Offers broad, easy-to-digest coverage of all of the key theories and concepts in Security Studies.
- Brings together carefully edited contributions from international experts in the field.
- Case study boxes encourage students to connect theory and practice by demonstrating the real-world manifestations of political issues.

Criminological Theories
- A concise yet comprehensive review and appraisal of the leading theories of crime.
- Updated with changes in the development, testing, integration, and application of important criminological theories.
- Includes extensive revision on biological and biosocial, psychological, social disorganization, and conflict theories.

The Oxford Textbook on Criminology
- Provides an authoritative yet accessible and engaging grounding in all key criminological topics.
- Reflects current criminological concerns with chapters on global criminology, social harm, and green criminology.
- A logical structure supports readers throughout their criminological journey.

- A comprehensive introduction to the leading sociological and psychological theories of crime and deviance.
- Written in a clear and engaging style that helps students to understand the more complex aspects of criminology.
- Takes full account of the historical background of contemporary theories, helping to explain both the form and timing of their development.

Policing in Context
- Introduces students to the diverse roles, duties, powers and problems of policing in Australia.
- Covers the basic knowledge needed for understanding the history, context and structure of policing in Australia, and a description of the core skills, tasks and operations of police work.
- Reflects on contemporary and emerging issues faced by police.

Media and Crime
- Draws on journalism/media perspectives, not just criminology perspectives.
- Adopts an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and study of media and crime.
- It looks beyond the boundaries of mainstream criminology in its examination of the shaping of public knowledge and understandings of crime and criminal justice in contemporary society.

Juvenile Justice
- Encourages readers to think critically about the principles, policies and practices of juvenile justice.
- Fully updated with the latest statistics and data available.
- Case examples explore contemporary and topical issues, and highlight real-life examples.

Contemporary Police Practice
- A clear and concise introduction to contemporary policing in Australia.
- Based on empirical research to demonstrate best practice in policing.
- Analyses contemporary developments in operational police practice and strategies, including community and hot spot policing.

Australian Criminal Justice
- A comprehensive introduction to the administration of criminal justice in Australia.
- Critical thinking questions throughout the text encourage research and lead discussion in tutorials.
- A fresh design and layout makes it accessible to students.

Research Methods in Crime, Justice and Social Problems
- Provides the tools students need to understand the research they read and take the first steps toward producing compelling research projects themselves.
- Emphasizes the actual experience of conducting research and includes a wealth of examples.
- Enhanced by robust pedagogy including chapter objectives, key terms, a running glossary, and chapter-ending discussion questions.

Vold's Theoretical Criminology
- A precise, up-to-date, and comprehensive overview of criminological theory available.
- It discusses both classic and contemporary theories, presenting historical context, empirical research, and policy implications for each one.
- Concludes with a critical assessment of the state of theory in criminology.

Street on Torts
- An insightful and thorough treatment of tort law with a focus on key concepts
- Case extracts and accompanying analyses help students consider the law in context and understand its practical application
- Problem questions promote the practice of essential analytical and essay writing skills.

The New Law of Torts
- Provides a clear and succinct discussion of the interface between the statutory regime in each jurisdiction and the common law
- Asks students to consider whether the foundational principles and policies of torts law reflect the social and moral values of modern Australian society.

The New Law of Torts Case Book
- A collection of edited cases designed to accompany The New Law of Torts textbook
- Includes a range of carefully selected case extracts of seminal judgments that have shaped the modern law of torts
- Illustrates approaches to doctrines that govern the interpretation and construction of statutes.

The Law of Torts in Australia
- An authoritative and comprehensive discussion of tort law from a distinctively Australian perspective
- Includes discussion of the major amendment of the Trade Practices Act 1974, which produced the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and the Australian Consumer Law.

Contract Law
- Introduces students to the fundamental principles, theories and arguments in Australian contract law
- Commentary on relevant statutes and materials, and key extracts from leading cases give students a thorough understanding of contract law.

Australian Public Law
- Provides a foundation for understanding the ideas and principles that underpin Australian public law
- Uses a theoretical framework for investigating and interpreting the Australian Constitution
- Introduces the core concepts required for the study of constitutional and administrative law.

Human Rights under the Australian Constitution
- A thorough exploration of how the Australian Constitution protects human rights
- Provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the key public law principles
- Examines areas of great importance to Australian democracy such as the right to vote, freedom of religion, and the right to a fair trial.

International Human Rights
- Written by world-leading human rights scholars, Philip Alston and Ryan Goodman
- Includes a broad selection of primary and secondary materials to demonstrate key themes
- Questions throughout the book encourage deeper reflection and critical enquiry.

Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law
- A single-volume introduction to the field of public international law
- Includes extensive reference to recent decisions providing a solid foundation for further research
- Covers developments in climate change, diplomatic asylum, international criminal law and the ICC, corporate social responsibility, and more…

International Law
- A comprehensive account of international law, with critical coverage of central issues
- Encourages students to engage with areas of controversy and consider how they affect the world today
- Supported by thought-provoking learning features with theory and debate boxes, case spotlights, and suggested reading.

International Law
- An authoritative and diverse collection of critical perspectives from leading scholars in the field
- Provides wide-ranging analysis of all of the key issues and themes in public international law reflecting its breadth and diversity
- Includes a new chapter on International Refugee and Migration Law.

Cases & Materials on International Law
- A topical companion for study, offering broad coverage of public international law and its contemporary debates
- Includes the essential cases and materials that students need to understand the international legal system
- Features expert commentary that critically engages students with the complexities of the law.

International Climate Change Law
- A clear analytical guide to the climate regime, with assessment of all international instruments and conventions dealing with climate change
- Places international climate change law within the context of international law and international environmental law.

Complete International Law
- Combines case extracts with commentary to demonstrate legal principles and the significance of case law
- Encourages active learning with key point summaries and self-test questions that stimulate reflection
- Includes new chapters on immunity and international humanitarian law.

Environmental Law
- Provides students with everything they need to confidently study environmental law
- Combines insightful commentary with extracts to highlight key themes and issues
- Engages students in critical reflection with discussion questions focusing on the controversies and debates within environmental law.

Environmental Law
- Provides an interdisciplinary framework for understanding and practising environmental law in Australia
- Explains the structure of environmental law within an Australian and global context
- Case studies and examples help illustrate underlying principles of environmental law, governance and regulation.

Australian Family Law
- Updated with a 2020 digital digest covering significant developments since 2015.
- Introduces Australian family law in a broad context that includes policy debates and relevant empirical research.
- Explores family law through an overarching theme of the challenges of complexity.

Australian Family Law Teaching Materials
- Extensive primary and secondary materials help students engage with the study of family law
- Helps students develop essential skills in the use of primary sources such as cases and legislation
- Designed to use in conjunction with Australian Family Law which gives students a comprehensive review of the subject.

Competition Law and Policy
- Introduces Australian competition law, its policy rationale and its common law evolution
- Explores the principle forms of anti-competitive conduct engaged in by firms
- Covers local concepts of authorisation and access, and the sanctions imposed for breaches.

Administrative Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of administrative law
- Navigates fundamental principles supported by examples, exercises, and assessment preparation sections
- Links key concepts from lectures, textbooks and tutorials to improve your students’ knowledge and develop their legal problem-solving skills.

Business Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of business law
- Guides students through fundamental principles supported by questions, cases to remember, diagrams, and guidelines for answering questions
- Outlines the foundation topics in business and commercial law in an easy-to-read, student-friendly format.

Business Organisations Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of business organisations law
- Develops student understanding with cases, assessment preparation sections, and diagrams that explain difficult concepts and complex material
- Provides a clear and comprehensive outline of the foundation topics in property law.

Constitutional Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of constitutional law
- Supported by examples outlining the interlinked nature of constitutional law, assessment preparation sections, and diagrams to help explain difficult concepts
- Links key concepts from lectures, textbooks and tutorials to consolidate student knowledge.

Corporations Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of corporations law
- Provides guidance on how to write essays and answer problems, active learning exercises, diagrams of difficult concepts, and assessment preparation sections
- Links key concepts from lectures, textbooks and tutorials to consolidate student knowledge.

Criminal Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of criminal law in NSW, VIC and SA
- Guides students through fundamental principles with clear and concise explanations, cases and statutes to remember, and assessment preparation sections
- Provides a comprehensive outline of the foundation topics in criminal law.

Criminal Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of criminal law in QLD and WA
- Guides students through fundamental principles with clear explanations, cases and statutes to remember, and assessment preparation sections
- Links key concepts from lectures, textbooks and tutorials to consolidate student knowledge.

Equity and Trusts Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of equity and trusts
- Supported by clear explanations, cases and statutes, questions, flow charts that summarise major issues, and a glossary of equity and trusts terms
- Links key concepts from lectures, textbooks and tutorials to consolidate student knowledge.

Property Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of property law
- Links key concepts from lectures, textbooks and tutorials to consolidate student knowledge
- Provides practical examples of property law principles in action, guidelines for answering questions, diagrams of complex concepts, and assessment preparation sections.

Uniform Evidence Law Guidebook
- An introductory guide to the essentials of uniform evidence law
- Supports students with diagrams of complex concepts and materials, study and advocacy tips, cases and statutes, and a practical criminal trial scenario
- Outlines the foundation topics in evidence law in the uniform evidence jurisdictions.

How to Write Law Essays and Exams
- Provides law students with a practical method of analysing and answering essay and exam questions
- Focuses on difficult questions that trouble students, such as problem questions, while teaching vital writing and analytical skills
- Contains specific law-related revision techniques and general writing tips.

Pleadings Without Tears
- One of the most successful books on practical legal drafting in the context of litigation
- Focuses on core skills and fundamental rules while addressing each stage of the drafting process
- Practical examples combined with detailed analysis of the process provide a thorough understanding of drafting.

Legal Writing
- Helps students develop effective legal writing skills for academic and professional practice
- Provides grounding in good writing techniques with practical guidance, examples, exercises, and further reading
- Explores specific forms of legal writing including client letters, memoranda and appellate briefs.

Becoming a Lawyer
- Practical, experience-based advice for students beginning their law studies
- Provides students with realistic advice and tips to help them get the most from their studies
- Explores changing technology, remote access, blended learning, flexible delivery, legal ethics and communication skills.

Australian Business Law
- Discusses the main areas of law affecting business supported by case examples, references to legislation, diagrams and flowcharts
- Reflects changes to the law made by the Civil Liability Acts, Australian Consumer Law, Competition and Consumer Act, National Credit Code and the Personal Property Securities Act.

Contract Law in Context
- Presents the law of contract in its commercial context to help students understand how it operates in practice
- Examines the principles of contract law by following the life cycle of a commercial contract
- References pertinent areas of law, such as competition and consumer law, agency law and corporate law.

Law and Business 5E
- Unravels the complex legal principles that govern the practice of business and commercial law in Australia
- Explores core subjects including contract law, tort law, commercial law, and business organisations law
- Takes a skills-based approach with problem-solving exercises, case extracts and review questions.

How to Pass Business Law
- A practical ‘how to’ guide for students studying business and commercial law
- Focuses on how to approach scenario-style exam questions and helps students identify what law to apply
- Includes example questions with comments, annotated answers and helpful hints to assist students in answering questions.

Communication Skills Guidebook
- A concise guidebook that equips students with the essential academic and communication skills they need to succeed at university
- Outlines how to write a good essay, construct a sound argument, present research findings, and more…
- Includes lots of tips and examples including common assignment instructions.

Essential Academic Skills
- Takes a step-by-step approach through the essential skills required to complete a university degree, supported by examples and activities
- Covers assessment skills for success, such as writing academic essays, reports, case studies, presentations, group work, examinations, and primary research.

Smart Thinking
- A practical, step-by-step guide to improving skills in analysis, critical thinking, and the effective communication of arguments and explanations
- Provides detailed advice on how to practice better analytical skills and demonstrates how these skills can be used in research and writing
- Emphasises how to develop arguments that are coherent and take account of their audience and context.

The Research Process
- A concise and approachable introduction to research
- Guides students through the research process, analysing and demonstrating a variety of research methods
- Assumes no prior knowledge of research and takes a non-statistical, non-mathematical approach.
At Oxford University Press we create law textbooks that support your teaching needs and help students understand the Australian legal system. Our textbooks cover a range of law subject areas, from our introduction to law textbook Connecting with Law through to other popular textbooks such as Australian Public Law.
Law textbooks that support law education and develop practical legal skills.
We publish law textbooks for tertiary students with clear and accessible content. Our learning resources are designed specifically to provide students with the best foundation for learning. We focus on developing law skills relevant to the subject, alongside critical thinking and problem-solving skills to ensure students are equipped with the practical legal skills they need for their career.
Learning resources built to align with the courses you teach.
As a leading publisher for law education, our textbooks are developed to match the structure of your course. They provide content you can easily match to your lectures and tutorials and provide students with a reliable resource to confidently support them through their law subject.
Academic resources to support your teaching.
Our supporting academic resources help you develop your teaching materials. They provide you with content you can use in the classroom or set for exams, assessment, and assignments. These extra resources are designed to be used alongside your law textbook and are a valuable time-saver in helping your students succeed.
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law resources
“Connecting with Law provides ample breadth and depth of coverage of all the necessary topics for first year tertiary level with very little need for supplementation. It includes an excellent introduction to becoming a law student as well as consideration of the legal profession so that students begin to reflect on the connections between their education and future careers. I highly recommend Connecting with Law as a valuable, effective, foundational law text book that is easy to adapt for most cohorts.”
- Law academic

A practical introduction to successful university study and the skills needed to transition to professional practice. It aims to help students across all subjects understand the relevance of their study and build academic skills for lifelong learning.
Now more than ever there is a requirement for students to develop their soft skill competencies alongside the technical skills for career success. This paper reviews the findings from a survey of Australian higher education students on which soft skills they believe to be the most important for future career success.

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“Pursuing a law degree after working as a pharmacist for a few years, I’ve been met with doubt about whether I could really transition from a heavy science background into the world of written word. Today, receiving the Oxford University Press Award for Legal Analysis and Critique at Western Sydney University has proven to me that I can do well in law. Moments like these remind me that it’s worthwhile to follow my passion, to continue on this path, and to keep pushing on. Thanks to Oxford University Press for being a part of my journey.”
Jenny Nguyen