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International Relations Theories
- Expert line-up of contributors offer coverage of dominant and emerging theories and arguments from diverse perspectives.
- Includes coverage of historically marginalised theories, including postcolonialism and environmentalism.
- A case study in each chapter shows how theory can be used to explain real-world problems and dilemmas and additional questions to encourage students to analyse and evaluate the different theories for themselves.

Global Political Economy
- A highly regarded guide, providing a comprehensive introduction to Global Political Economy written by leading experts in the field under new editor Dr Erin Hannah.
- Significant updates include a special focus on critical approaches and the introduction of a diverse range of voices and perspectives through topics such as colonialism, gender, race, the everyday, and North-South divides.
- Twelve new chapters explore topics such as public opinion, populism, development , unfree labour, environment, and technology. Request Inspection Copy Learn More

International Relations Theories
- A comprehensive introduction to mainstream IR theories and critical approaches to IR, explained within the social, political, and historical context, to demonstrate that theory does not emerge from a vacuum.
- An expert authorial voice guides students through the required material in a gentle, reassuring pace, with an accessible and concise style, without shying away from the more complex theories and concepts.

Global Political Economy
- Encourages students new to the field to explore its breadth and diversity, and understand how to approach and answer the big questions that matter today.
- Reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the field by addressing essential topics and themes, such as poverty, labour, migration, and the environment.
- Introduces students to the dialogue between academics on core issues, and the interplay and value of different opinions, and perspectives.

Comparative Politics
- The most comprehensive introduction to comparative politics written by the leading experts in the field who bring together a diverse and informed international perspective on comparative politics.
- Six new authors join the team for the sixth edition, bringing fresh ideas and insights to the comparative analysis the book provides.
- The new edition has been brought fully up to date with coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and challenges to the global international order. Request Inspection Copy Learn More

The Globalization of World Politics
- The bestselling introduction to international relations, and offers the most complete coverage of the key theories and global issues in world politics.
- Explores the most pressing topics and challenges that dominate international relations today, including a brand-new chapter on global health, which explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Request Inspection Copy Learn More

Pop Culture, Politics, and the News
- Explores how pop culture news has taken on an important role in contemporary political discourse.
- Through coverage of topics like Hollywood diversity, celebrity controversy, and "cancel culture" backlash, entertainment journalism has emerged as a key source of political information and commentary, providing audiences with an accessible lens into some of the most hot-button issues of our time. Request Inspection Copy Learn More

Introduction to Global Politics
- Provides a current, engaging, and non-U.S. perspective on global politics.
- It shows students how to analyse global political events using theoretical approaches--both mainstream and alternative--and emphasises non-state actors more than any other global politics text.
- Offers a robust ancillary resource program, including interactive media activities designed to reinforce key concepts by simulating real-world situations.

Human Rights
- A comprehensive, interdisciplinary text written by a global team of experts with coverage and content unrivaled by any other text on the market.
- Provides students with a practical, comprehensive and twenty-first century perspectives on the theory, study, and practice of human rights.
- Features unrivaled coverage of human rights issues in practice, with a wide range of case studies allowing students to explore true-to-life examples from around the world.

Strategy in the Contemporary World
- The only overview to critically engage with both enduring and contemporary issues that dominate strategy.
- Readers are encouraged to explore key debates and alternative perspectives.
- A debates feature considers key controversies and presents opposing arguments, helping students to build critical thinking skills and reflect upon a wide range of perspectives.

Introduction to Introduction to International Relations
- Offers unrivalled coverage of classical theories, contemporary approaches, and current issues, together with an exceptionally clear writing style.
- Encourages critical engagement with the theories presented, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and the major points of contention.
- The eighth edition has been thoroughly updated to incorporate current events and key developments in the discipline.

The Oxford Handbook of Australian Politics
- A comprehensive collection that considers Australia's distinctive politics— both ancient and modern— at all levels and across many themes.
- Examines the factors that make Australian politics unique and interesting, while firmly placing these in the context of the nation's Indigenous and imported heritage and global engagement.

Government and Politics in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Equips students with the history, theory and knowledge needed to understand and enjoy the study of Aotearoa New Zealand politics.
- Helps students to identify key governmental institutions of the state, to understand how government works and to recognise political and civil rights and responsibilities in order to engage with them.

Global Politics
- Introduces the key theories and concepts underpinning the discipline, giving readers a foundation to study politics on both a personal and global scale, including issues relating to gender, sexuality, and ethnicity, as well as the economy, environment, and concepts of justice.
- Presents theories in their historical context, demonstrating how they can evolve over time.

The Politics of International Law
- Offers an introduction to the role of law in contemporary international affairs.
- Explains the interaction between law and politics in the world today, demonstrating that one cannot be understood without the other.

Global Environmental Politics
- Provides a fully up to date and comprehensive introduction to the most important issues dominating this fast moving field.
- Introduces students to the pressing issues of desertification, trade in hazardous waste, biodiversity protection, whaling, acid rain, ozone-depletion, water consumption, and over-fishing.
- Explores a wide variety of political perspectives, equipping students with the necessary tools to develop their own arguments.

Comparative Politics
- The most comprehensive introduction to comparative politics written by the leading experts in the field who bring together a diverse and informed international perspective.
- Five new authors join the team for the fifth edition, bringing fresh ideas and insights to the comparative analysis the book provides.
- Combines cutting edge treatment of theories and truly global geographical coverage, this exciting textbook is essential reading for all comparative politics students.

Future Politics
- Challenges readers to rethink what it means to be free or equal, what it means to have power or property, and what it means for a political system to be just or democratic.
- Winner of the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize.

Political Ideologies
- Provides a broad-ranging introduction to both the classical and contemporary political ideologies.
- Introduces readers to ideologies' increasingly global reach and the different national versions of these ideologies.
- Encouraging readers to evaluate how ideologies work in practice, the problematic links between ideas and political action, and the impact of ideologies.

Media and Politics
- Offers a thorough introduction to the politics of the Australian media, particularly the effect that Australia's liberal democratic tradition has on the operation and structure of the media, and in turn the effect of the media on politics.
- Examines the development and evolution of the Australian media, as well as the key debates and controversies which have shaped the domestic media landscape in the last decade.
What academics are saying about our
politics resources
“The book is comprehensive in scope and thus a perfect fit for teaching students
who are new to the study of international relations.
(About The Globalization of World Politics by Baylis, Published: March 2023)
David Hundt
Associate Professor | Deakin University

Now more than ever there is a requirement for students to develop their soft skill competencies alongside the technical skills for career success. This paper reviews the findings from a survey of Australian higher education students on which soft skills they believe to be the most important for future career success.