Terms and Conditions

Proving the positive impact of Essential Letters and Sounds Australia

  • The promoter is Oxford University Press Australia and New Zealand (ABN 298 691 632 36); 8/737, Bourke Street, Docklands VIC 2008. Phone: 03 9934 9123.
  • All applications must be for registered and fully operating Australian Primary Schools with a campus in a state or territory of Australia.
  • All applications must be endorsed in writing by the School Principal.
  • The application must be submitted in full via the Online Application Form by 5pm Friday 20th September. No late entries will be considered.
  • Only one (1) entry per eligible school regardless of the number of campuses. Sending an e-mail or completing an online entry is not proof that OUP ANZ has received your entry. OUP ANZ does not accept any responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed, or damaged.  Entries which are late, incomplete or illegible or not submitted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions will be disqualified at OUP ANZ's sole discretion.  Submitted entries cannot be returned to the applicant. Only three winning applications will receive the Essential Letters and Sounds Australia Program at no cost to the applicant for the 2025 and 2026 Academic Year.
  • If successful, the school agrees to implement the ELSA Program in all of their Foundation and Year 1 classrooms at the commencement of term 1 2025 and continue with the program for a minimum of 2 academic years (2025 and 2026 inclusive).
  • If successful, the school agrees that all teachers that will have a Foundation and/or Year 1 class in 2025, will undertake all the on-line and on-demand Professional Development provided for the ELSA Program. At any time a new teacher is appointed to a Foundation or Year 1 classroom, they too, will complete all Professional Development for the ELSA Program.
  • If successful, the school agrees to follow all elements of the ELSA Program with fidelity as outlined in the program training and support materials.
  • If successful, the school agrees to provide the name and email address for all teachers and students in the Foundation and Year 1 classes, to support activation of all digital subscription licences.
  • If successful, the school agrees to provide feedback to OUP ANZ each academic term during the 2025 and 2026 Academic Year, to ensure teachers and students are supported and the ELSA Program is implemented to its full potential.
  • If successful, the school agrees to share anonymized student performance data and contribute anonymized information for case study/testimonials.
  • All applicants understand that the selected school is at the sole discretion of the OUP ANZ Director of Product and is based on the merit of the application submitted. The decision of the OUP ANZ Director of Product shall be final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.
  • The prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for a cash alternative in whole or in part.
  • The applicant warrants that their application does not violate or infringe the rights of any person whatsoever.  If the application is protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right, the applicant consents to OUP ANZ publishing the application (whole or part) in relation to this campaign.
  • OUP will disclose the name and state of the prize winner  on request from a third party.
  • If OUP ANZ is not able to run the campaign  as planned due to unforeseen circumstances, OUP ANZ reserves the right to alter, amend, suspend or cancel the campaign without prior notice.
  • OUP ANZ will not be liable for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any person entering or not being able to enter the campaign or as a result of accepting any prize.  OUP ANZ is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers or providers, computer equipment or software, failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet, telephone lines or at any website or any combination thereof.  Nothing shall exclude OUP ANZ's liability for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence.
  • The campaign and these Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia and any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of the State of Victoria, Australia and the Federal Court of Australia courts.

For questions or more information, contact us at oup.com.au/help.