We’re here to support reading success right from the start
Research-based Australian guided reading programs
Our unique Australian guided reading programs provide a consistent approach to instruction designed to engage and inspire teaching and learning.
Oxford Reading for Comprehension resources are underpinned by a research-based Comprehension Skills framework that develop both comprehension and phonic skills (with alignment to Letters & Sounds), and integrate with the latest Oxford Wordlist. Each program provides full teacher support including Teacher Handbooks, ‘Think Aloud' and Strategy Tip flashcards, Comprehension Coaching Cards, Student Assessment, Graphic Organiser templates and more on Oxford Owl.
We invite you to start exploring Oxford Reading for Comprehension and Oxford Reading for Comprehension Decodables.
Full support to develop comprehension skills in Years F-3
Oxford Reading for Comprehension is a research-based Australian guided reading program that explicitly develops comprehension skills for Years F–3.
The series is underpinned by a Comprehension Skills Framework, provides a clear teaching and learning pathway and contains 290 non-fiction and fiction Australian guided reading texts to support comprehension development.
Oxford Reading for Comprehension provides a systematic approach to the explicit teaching of comprehension strategies and skills and helps students learn to be active, engaged readers who can understand and enjoy a range of texts.

Download your Teacher Handbook evaluation pack

Includes information about the Oxford Reading for Comprehension series, an overview of the Comprehension Skills Framework, implementation support, tips for guided reading and an example lesson plan.
Purchasing options
Student Book packs with companion coaching card priced between $49.99 to $56.99.
Packs contain six copies of the same student book and a single companion coaching card.
Speak to your Primary Education Consultant today to explore the best option for your school.

Happy Diwali

Good for Us

Hot, Cold and Wet

My Family Helps Me

The Dentist Can Help You

A Weekend with Nanna and Pop

What is Ravi Good At?

Our Holidays

The Wet and Windy Holiday

Power Saver

Finding Your Way

Over the Net

Amazing National Parks

Mai is Shy

Lion Dancing

Let's Play!

Rainforest Tag

Waste-free Lunches

The Welcome Stranger

The New TV

Get Moving!

The Continents of the World

The $630 Vote

Feel the Heat

Colourful Festivals of the World

From Ice to Desert

A Spin Around the Earth

Annabel and the Artist

Campaign for Captain

Science in the Garden

Our School's Eco-garden

Showing Respect

The Peacemaker

The Owl Hunt

Ned's New Zealand Holiday

Festival Foods

Creek Clean-up

Wonders of the World

A World of Reptiles

In the Sky

Footy Time

At the Water

I See a Cloud

Play and Hide

Superhero School

Pirate School

Monster School

I Eat Noodles

Look At Us

Look at My Family

At Home

The Bilby

I Can Move

A Very Busy Day

Flying Bugs

From the Tree House

I Love My Truck

The Hungry Baby


Playing Cricket

Bedtime for Baby

Oscar and Milly

After School

At My House

The Water Dragon

Good Night, Animals

Jack the Pirate

A Day with Reb and Bub

A Toy for Reb and Bub

Oscar's New Bed

At the Zoo

Can You See Dot?

Happy, Sad, Angry

In the Rainforest

Look at the Park

Waltzing Matilda


Look at this Mess!

Common Wombats

I am Molly

My Room

Slow-bot and No-bot

Play Ball with Me!

Monster Masks

Playtime for Lucy

Go Away, Polly!

Going to the Beach

Tess and Alex at the River

The Big Red Balloon

Paint My Face

A Job for Jump-Bot

Nat and Cat


In the Sea


On The Move!

We Made a Museum

A Walk in the Bush

Come Here, Koala

Fun at the Snow


My House

The Oily Penguin

What is That?

My Family

The BMX Race

Then and Now

I Can Help

The Muddy Puddle Walk

Princess Stink

Toy Swap

What Dinosaur Is This?

My Rock Box

The Sad Ant

My New Home

Rex, the Best Pet Ever

Birthday Messages


Don't Cut My Hair

Amazing Volcanoes

Flying Sausages

We Are Free

Be Brave, Rex!

Spud and Chips

Bullies are not welcome

The Short Cut

Australian Sea Lions

Getting to School

My Friends

The Big Black Cloud

Ice Art

My Broken Arm

Jack and Rusty

Let's Make Breakfast

Sparkle and Snork

Basketball is the Best

Pink Nails

Ready, Set, Click!
Monitor ComprehensionComprehension Strategy
Oxford Level 5 ?Reading Level 10

Animal Tree Houses

Super Suzi and the Cat Burglar

The Road Trip

The Secret

Plants on our Plates

Aussie Rules

Ferdinand at the Fair

Our Robot Show

Super Suzi: The Cat Comes Back

The Dripping Taps

The Monster Chase

A New Home for an Old Dog

Making Rules

My Neighbours

My School

Staying Healthy

The Man from Snowy River

The Story of Bicycles

All Dressed Up

Ferdinand and the Dance

Party Animals

Sparkle and the Treasure Box

Good Luck Bad Luck

All About Light

Six Seasons

Journey to Australia

Luke's First Plane Trip

Dance Stories

Hide and Sleep

Nancy's Fancy Hat

The Baby Mammoth

A Trip to Shell Beach

Alex's Bike

From Sand to Sea

Rubbish Night

Catching Clouds

Endangered Australian Animals

Marco Polo's Journey

The Mud Pie Party

Weather in Space

Finding a New Home

Mulga Bill's Bicycle

My Teachers

The Forest

Playing Hopscotch

The Values We Share

Tickets to the Game

Australian Snakes

My Pen Pal


Deep, Down Weird

How The Bink Got Its Stink

Ant Attack

Blackheart on the Loose


Safe on Two Wheels

The Very Bright Light

Where's Nanna?

The Sleepover

Perfect Pets

A Pony for a Day

My Sabre-tooth Pet

Zoom Out!

Edward Lear's Scrapbook


Australian Stadiums

Bad Dog, Growly!

Looga and Barooga: The Treasure of Soap Island

Not Ethan Again

Who Eats Who?

Look Alikes

A Weekend at the Markets

Australian Spiders

Davy Dawson and the Disappearing Fish

My Cat, Opal

My Soccer Team

Saturday Morning Athletics


A Class Scrapbook

Save Our Water

Dear Mum

Looga and Barooga: The Day the Sky Went Boom

The Top of the Taj Mahal

Aunty Cake

History's Marvellous Mistakes

The Plastic Bag Storm

The New Girl

My Cousins

Our Walkathon

What's in the Backyard?

Doug Lugg, Boy Slug

Mercury Island

Superhero Bunny League Saves the World!

The Story of the Train Stop

Way-Out Day Out

The Pizza Patch

Cities of Gold

International Airports


Season Swap

Pick Your Queen

Flying Kicks

Bug Buzz

Colour Codes

Bin Goblins

Our Class Tiger

Little Wombat and Zoomer

A Day to Remember

How Molly Coddle Baked a School

The Sea of Rubbish

Beaks and Feet

Sugar Plum Scary

Charlie and the Aztecs

Ella's Umbrella

Grandma and the Leopard

Your Body, Inside Out

Flight or Fright

The Two Finlay Herberts

Spread the Word

The Soccer Card Coach

Frankenstein's Sofa

The Life of Leonardo

The Greatest Viking Ever

Big Ears and Sticky Fingers

Superhero Bunny League in Space

Mini Marvels

Pirate Percy's Parrot

The Wish Fisher

Wild Wheels

Rabbits, Hats and Secrets

Burps, Scabs and Smells

Let's Make Comics

Skills and Thrills

A Life in the Sky

The Dog of Truth

Agent Blue and the Super-smelly Goo

Molly Meacher, Class 2 Teacher

Pablo's Travelling Notebook

Dinosaur Hunters

Julia Caesar

Our Siberian Journey

Scratch's Bad Reputations

Tasty Travels

Out of Control

Outdoor Art

Rhyme Slime

Real Heroes

Agent Blue and the Swirly Whirly

Stanley Manners

Top Ten Worst Jobs in History

Do Tigers Have Nine Lives?
Develop phonic and comprehension skills for Years F-2
Oxford Reading for Comprehension Decodables is a unique, fully decodable, Australian guided reading series for Years F–2. It is underpinned by a proven, finely sequenced phonics framework aligned to Letters and Sounds and a research-based Comprehension Skills Framework.
The series is structured so that the introduction of new sounds is supported by paired texts of one fiction title and one non-fiction title in Oxford Reading Levels 1–6 to help develop strong early vocabulary acquisition and build student reading success.

Download your
ORFC Decodables Evaluation Pack

Features a series overview with sample pages from the Guided Reading texts, as well as providing information on the phonic and comprehension frameworks that underpin the series.
Purchasing options
Student Book packs with companion coaching card priced between $49.95 to $56.95.
Packs contain six copies of the same student book and a single companion coaching card.
Adopt the entire series and receive complimentary 12-month access to eBooks of all 60 titles.
Speak to your Primary Education Consultant today to explore the best option for your school.

The Giant Turnip

A Trip to the Zoo

What's That Sound?

A Year in the Garden

Pip the Kitten

Tin, Pan, Cook!

Nap Time!

A Dog Can

Get Up, Sam!

On the Farm

The Bug Bus


A Big Mess

Hot and Wet

Buzz the Bot

I Can


Fun With Nan and Pop!

The Buzzing Bee

I Can See a Sheep!

A Shark at the Pool

A Week in the North

A Vet on the Farm

Rain and Hail

The Lost Lunchbox

In the Summer

A Good Spot

Get Fit!

The Shelter

Park Jobs

Layla and the Blue Bird

Swoop, Creep and Cling

A New Home

Helping at Home

Putting on a Show

Grow, Tomato, Grow!

The Biggest Pet

The Night Sky

Five Holidays

Welcoming Spring

The Fishing Trip

In My Town

The Photo Box

All About Instruments

Best Friends

Big Animals

The Right Track

Rock Art

Pen Pals

Life Cycles

The Trampoline Machine


The Great Castle Fair

Team Players

The Monster Under the Bed

Get Active at the Beach

A Weekend Off

Measure the Weather

Issun Boshi

Shopping: Then and Now
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Reading for Comprehension