What does the report cover?

An analysis of national trends in Australian students’ spelling based on NAPLAN results and 2020 research involving 2436 NSW students in Years 1 and 2. This paper focuses on the importance of developing phonological, orthographic and morphological spelling skills concurrently from the earliest years of schooling and provides insights across the early, middle and upper primary years.

Read the paper and explore:

  the results of current Australian spelling research findings

  the potential implications for educators in the teaching of spelling

  how to support teachers in applying the latest spelling research in the classroom

  practical tips for the explicit teaching of spelling to expand student vocabulary

The expert consulted for this report:


Teaching and learning specialist, academic, Director and Principal Education Consultant at Literacy Education Solutions.

The home of children’s language and literacy

Oxford Children’s Language Australia

Oxford University Press has established Oxford Children’s Language Australia (OCLA) to implement language research initiatives, share insights with the education community, and support teachers
with students’ language and literacy development.


Oxford Children’s Language Australia