Term 1 Primary Sale Explore titles

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When do you need
Build Learning Literacy?

When decoding skills have developed and students are reading words with less common letter sounds, they are building automaticity and are becoming skilled readers. This is when students need to further develop their literacy skills with engaging and conceptually-rich texts.

At this stage, readers need to grow and expand their abilities – fluency and comprehension in particular – and build knowledge about their world. They need to build a body of knowledge through a deeper and wider view of particular topics. For books that are rich in content, engaging and enlightening, you need Build Literacy Learning.

The program is built around a curated collection of student books organised into topic sets.

All the texts are paired (one informative and one narrative)

Each pair is supported by an explicit teaching guide and forms a Text Study Unit.

Collection One - Early Grade 1

The texts have words that contain basic phonic code.

Paired book topics in Collection 1 are Animals, People and Animals and What People Do.

Collection 1 Book Pack

Collection Two - Mid Grade 1

Paired topics in Collection 2 are Animals, People and Animals,
How People Live and The Environment.

Collection Two Book Pack

Collection Three - Upper Grade 1–2

Paired topics in Collection 2 are Animals, Habitats, Living with Technology, Living in our World and Health and Fitness.

Images of Collection Three Book covers

Research Base

Build Literacy Learning aligns with the Science of Reading and reflects the findings of key research reviews and national inquiries into teaching reading.