Oxford Grammar 3e is coming soon!

Spread the good news, we're publishing the third edition of Oxford Grammar, ready to teach in 2026. The six new workbooks will cover grammatical concepts in line with the Australian Curriculum 9.0 and all other state curriculums. Every unit will have a lesson plan with extension and support activities. Our videos and lesson planning resources help teachers to up-skill themselves in an area they may be unfamiliar with from their own education.

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Oxford Grammar

About Oxford Grammar 2e

Support and engage your students to connect and consolidate grammatical understanding.

The 2nd edition of Oxford Grammar provides students with the tools they need to be effective when expressing their own ideas.

Best-selling textbook author Andrew Woods uses appealing stimulus pages and authentic literary texts to model grammar in context at the word, sentence and text level, with related writing activities for practice.

Watch our Oxford Grammar 2e on-demand webinar

This webinar explores grammatical features at the word, sentence and text level. Help teaching and learning of grammar in your Primary classroom by using stimulus pages and authentic literary texts to engage students and provide context.This webinar provides an introduction to:

  • the new editions of these best-selling student workbooks
  • the new Teacher Handbooks, which provide detailed lesson plans and teaching guidance for F–6
  • the additional support available online with short videos, curriculum mapping (to NSW, VIC and Australian Curriculum) and more.

Oxford Grammar Student 2e Books

The all new full colour Oxford Grammar student workbooks explore key grammar features aligned explicitly to the Australian Curriculum: English. The Student Books are also aligned to the requirements of the ACARA Literacy Learning Progression.

They include many features such as 'test yourself', 'using grammar in texts' and extension and enrichment units as well as opportunities for self-reflection and progress checking and a handy glossary of terms.

For booklisting schools, Teacher access to digital editions of the student books is available. Please contact your local Education Consultant for more information.

Dive into an Oxford Grammar Student Book.

Download your evaluation pack today to sample the wealth of resources featured in an Oxford Grammar 2e workbooks.

Download evaluation pack

Oxford Grammar Teacher Resources

The Oxford Grammar Teacher Handbooks support the Student Books by offering lesson plans and activities, including a front-of-class program for the Foundation curriculum.

Book-listing schools will also have access to a wide range of additional digital resources on Oxford Owl.

Spelling success starts with Oxford

Planned and written by Dr Tessa Daffern, Oxford Spelling is a flexible whole school research-based spelling program that incorporates the latest spelling research into a flexible and practical classroom resource.


Oxford Spelling

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