Read Write Inc - Spelling

Embed impressive spelling skills in just 15 minutes a day
Read Write Inc. Spelling uses a proven approach, underpinned by phonics, to teach children in Years 2–6.
Read Write Inc. Spelling:
- comprises a range of snappy, structured activities that make it easy for you to fit spelling into your timetable in just 15 minutes a day
- makes spelling fun, with aliens from an exciting spelling planet introducing spelling rules and concepts
- provides plenty of writing practice with a clear record of progress
- comprises engaging online resources, Practice Books with a range of activities, Log Books to track progress, and a comprehensive Teaching Handbook.
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Full training is available from Ruth Miskin Training as part of the Online Training Subscription
Quick Look Inside RWI Spelling
Series resources
Spelling Practice Books
- Children learn how to build up words and how to change with the addition or subtraction of suffixes and prefixes.
- Children work with a partner to share and consolidate their new knowledge.
- Children write words in the context of sentences.

Spelling Log Books
- Children can practise words at home – establishing a strong home–school link.
- Children’s progress throughout the year can be tracked.
- Children can use Log Books as a fantastic reference tool when preparing for assessments.

Teaching Handbook:
- contains detailed guidance on assessment
- provides clear, structured support for each lesson.

Online spelling resources:
- are fully embedded within Read Write Inc. Spelling, and are a key component of the program
- contain detailed guidance on assessment
- provide clear, structured support for each lesson.
For purchasing options, please contact your local Oxford Education Consultant.