
Make History relevant and prepare your Stage 5 and 4 students for HSC success
Join New South Wales’ most experienced author team across two online sessions as they discuss strategies to help your students place the events of 2020 within a historical context and acquire the skills they need to succeed in HSC History.
Presented by Bernie Howitt and Emily Shanahan.

Session 1: Using the events of 2020 to make History relevant for students
Presented by:
Bernie Howitt
Date: 11/8/20
Video duration: 55 minutes
The events of 2020 give students the opportunity to reflect on their experiences in a historical context.
Presented by Oxford Insight History for NSW and Key Features of Modern History author Bernie Howitt, this session gives teachers an insight into how they can make History meaningful to their students and use the historical skills and concepts to examine recent events.
Session 2: Embedding historical skills and concepts through Stages 4 and 5
Presented by:
Bernie Howitt and Emily Shanahan
Date: 17/8/20
Video duration: 68 minutes
Presented by Oxford Insight History for NSW authors Bernie Howitt and Emily Shanahan, this session demonstrates how embedding the historical skills and concepts through Stages 4 and 5 will prepare students for success in Stage 6 Ancient and Modern History.
Oxford Insight History for NSW 2E is an engaging, academically rigorous series created by New South Wales’ most trusted author team that has been fully revised to prepare students for the demands of the recently updated Stage 6 Ancient and Modern History Syllabuses.

Complete the form below to schedule a consultation with your local Oxford Education Consultant and qualify for a FREE Oxford Insight History Student book.*
Free Student book terms and conditions: Free Student book available upon publication. One free Student book per consultation, with no more than three free books available per school.
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