Making learning work for everyone, everywhere
Join over one million students and teachers on Oxford Digital
Designed with teachers around Australia, Oxford Digital has been updated to improve usability and accessibility. Engage students of all abilities and save time in planning and delivering lessons.
See it in actionWhat series are on the updated platform?

Support every student
Over 24% of students need accessibility support. Oxford University Press is committed to providing an accessible, web-based learning experience to support students of all abilities.
✔ Accessible, reflowable format in slide and single page view
✔ Adjustable font size to suit your needs
✔ Read to Me feature supporting auditory learners
✔ Integrated Australian Students' Oxford Dictionary look-up feature*

Access hundreds of digital resources
Hundreds of student and teacher digital resources are flagged for easy access and embedded at the point of learning.
✔ Full resource library mapped to course and curriculum outcomes
✔ Search to discover new resources and highlight your favourites
✔ New and recommended resources flagged for quick and easy access
✔ Hundreds of videos, interactives, quizzes, and assessments
Teach with interactive, live lessons*
Supports every teacher - regardless of experience, time constraints, or teaching out of field - to save time and drive engagement with interactive lesson plans and Live Lesson mode.
✔ Fully-integrated, sequenced interactive lessons with classroom activities
✔ Suggested time allocations for each lesson and supporting resources
✔ Project the entire course, including activities, at the front of the class
✔ Assign in-class work, pre-work, and homework with a single click

Assess progress with real-time insights
Track student progress and engagement against assessments, key knowledge areas of the curriculum, and prerequisite skills.
✔ Diagnostic pre-tests to check understanding and suggest additional practice
✔ Auto- and teacher-marked online quizzes and assessments
✔ View and drill down into student results
✔ Access real-time insights to focus your teaching*
*The integrated Oxford Dictionary, live-lesson mode and real-time reporting insights are Premium features on Oxford Digital, to learn more about this - Click here.
See Oxford Digital in action
Watch our video for a quick 5-minute tour and contact us for a demonstration.
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