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Oxford Digital

Making learning work for everyone, everywhere

Join over one million students and teachers on Oxford Digital

Designed with teachers around Australia, Oxford Digital has been updated to improve usability and accessibility. Engage students of all abilities and save time in planning and delivering lessons.

See it in action
What series are on the updated platform?
Oxford Digital

Support every student

Over 24% of students need accessibility support. Oxford University Press is committed to providing an accessible, web-based learning experience to support students of all abilities.

✔ Accessible, reflowable format in slide and single page view
✔ Adjustable font size to suit your needs
✔ Read to Me feature supporting auditory learners
✔ Integrated Australian Students' Oxford Dictionary look-up feature*

OD PE Accessible Screen

Access hundreds of digital resources

Hundreds of student and teacher digital resources are flagged for easy access and embedded at the point of learning.

✔ Full resource library mapped to course and curriculum outcomes
✔ Search to discover new resources and highlight your favourites
✔ New and recommended resources flagged for quick and easy access
✔ Hundreds of videos, interactives, quizzes, and assessments

Teach with interactive, live lessons*

Supports every teacher - regardless of experience, time constraints, or teaching out of field - to save time and drive engagement with interactive lesson plans and Live Lesson mode.

✔ Fully-integrated, sequenced interactive lessons with classroom activities
✔ Suggested time allocations for each lesson and supporting resources
✔ Project the entire course, including activities, at the front of the class
✔ Assign in-class work, pre-work, and homework with a single click

OD Chemistry Live Lesson Screen
Real-time insights

Assess progress with real-time insights

Track student progress and engagement against assessments, key knowledge areas of the curriculum, and prerequisite skills.

✔ Diagnostic pre-tests to check understanding and suggest additional practice
✔ Auto- and teacher-marked online quizzes and assessments
✔ View and drill down into student results
✔ Access real-time insights to focus your teaching*

*The integrated Oxford Dictionary, live-lesson mode and real-time reporting insights are Premium features on Oxford Digital, to learn more about this - Click here.

See Oxford Digital in action

Watch our video for a quick 5-minute tour and contact us for a demonstration.

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Essential or Premium? You decide!

Our updated platform has two subscription options - essential and premium. Learn more about what features are exclusive to premium below!

Feature Essential Premium
Fully accessible, reflowable course content
Answers & worked solutions*
Top-of-the-line video content
Extensive planning and assessment resource library
Online quizzes and assessment
Reporting & analytics
Integrated lesson plans
Curriculum support for teachers
Notes, bookmarks & annotations
Desmos calculators (for Maths only)
Learning Management System (LMS) integration
Dedicated customer support & extensive help library
Advanced reporting with real-time insights
Live-lesson mode
Integrated Oxford Dictionary
Finch - our AI-powered student tutor

*While all courses have answers, worked solutions are exclusive to Maths and Science and access is controlled by the teacher.

What series are on the updated Oxford Digital?

We launched our newly updated platform in 2025 with our Maths and Sciences series in Victoria and Queensland, and we can't wait to expand to more subjects and states in 2026! Explore what's available by your state below.

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Oxford Science 7–10
Third Edition

The new edition of Oxford Science will arrive for Years 7–10 in 2026, delivered on the new Oxford Digital. Teach with confidence and provide a clear pathway to VCE success, with an explicit focus on engagement and skill development.

Sign up for curriculum support and early access to new teaching and learning resources.


Oxford Science 7-10
Oxford Humanities 7–10

Oxford Humanities 7–10
Third Edition

All core content and skills are scaffolded and carefully aligned to the new curriculum, including new History content for ‘Deep Time to the modern era’ and a new option for ‘The globalising world (1945–present)’.

Sign up for curriculum support and early access to new teaching and learning resources.


Oxford Maths 7–10
Third Edition

We've updated Oxford Maths 7–10 to align with Version 2.0 of the Victorian Curriculum, now featuring a brand new digital teaching and learning experience!

Oxford Maths 7–10 diagnoses gaps in student understanding, lays the groundwork by building essential skills, and assigns each student a pathway through the course.


Oxford Maths VIC

QCE Sciences
Units 1-4

Units 3 and 4 of our senior science subjects will arrive in 2026, fully aligned with the 2025 QCAA General Senior Syllabus.

Now featuring a new ground-breaking digital teaching and learning experience that takes lesson planning and in-class instruction to a new level.


Oxford Science 7-10
Oxford Maths Standard

Physical Education
Units 1-4

Physical Education for Queensland Units 1–4 (Third edition) has been fully revised to align with the 2025 QCAA Version 1.0 syllabus.

By simplifying complex concepts through student-friendly language, scaffolded content, well-sequenced lessons and Skill drill activities that get students moving, this series brings theory to life to engage all students.


Oxford Science 7–10
Stages 4 & 5

Oxford Science will arrive for Stages 4 and 5 in 2026, a brand-new teaching and learning resource designed specifically for the new NSW Science Syllabus.

Concepts and inquiry skills are clearly scaffolded so every student can experience success at their individual level.


Oxford Science 7-10
Oxford Maths Standard

Oxford Maths Standard
Stage 6

Oxford Maths Standard will retain the trusted approach, content and features that made Insight Mathematics such a success, while a range of brand-new features and improvements will be added – making our new series a truly interactive and personalised teaching and learning resource.


Oxford Science 7–10
Second Edition

Oxford Science will arrive for years 7–10 in 2026, a brand-new teaching and learning resource designed by local experts for the Western Australian Curriculum: Science. Concepts and inquiry skills are clearly scaffolded so every student can experience success at their individual level.

Sign up for curriculum support and early access to new teaching and learning resources.


Oxford Science 7-10
Oxford Humanities 7–10

Oxford Humanities & Social Sciences 7–10
Second Edition

Oxford Humanities and Social Sciences 7–10 has been written by local experts for the Western Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences. All core content and skills are scaffolded and carefully aligned to the new curriculum, including the new History units in Year 7 (Deep Time) and Year 9 (Australian History 1750–1914).

Sign up for curriculum support and early access to new teaching and learning resources.


Oxford Maths 7–10
First Edition

This brand-new teaching and learning resource is being written by local experts for the Western Australian Curriculum: Mathematics 7–10.

Oxford Maths 7–10 is designed to bridge the multi-year skills gap effectively by diagnosing gaps in student understanding, building essential skills step by step, and recommending a personalised learning pathway through the course so that every student can build confidence and experience success.


Oxford Maths VIC

Explore obook features

Most series we published pre-2025 are still hosted on our obook pro platform, learn more about that functionality below!

Bring content to life with a feature-packed eReader

All obook pro resources feature an upgraded eReader that increases engagement by enabling students to:

  • instantly navigate to any chapter, topic or subtopic
  • search, highlight, annotate and bookmark text
  • access resources mapped to each topic via on-page hotspots
  • look up words in the Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary.

Selected titles also feature integrated Desmos maths software tools and calculators.

Consolidate student understanding with interactive assessments

Featuring engaging interactive assessments and an expanded variety of question types, obook pro resources make it easy for students to test their understanding of key concepts and identify areas requiring revision.

Focus on teaching, administration is taken care of!

obook pro resources feature advanced tracking and reporting features that save teachers' time and support lesson planning. These reports provide meaningful, data-driven insights into student and class achievement at all stages.

New reporting tools include:

  • Assessment reports that provide a summary of progress and performance across all assessment activities.
  • Curriculum reports that chart student results against curriculum codes, providing teachers with key data for reporting and a clear overview of understanding of key knowledge areas.
  • Skills reports that link test results to key skills, providing valuable insight into students' strengths and gaps in understanding.

Support and extend students of all abilities

Selected obook pro resources feature inter-year links that deliver content and link concepts across the entire series, providing opportunities for review and extension to students at all levels.

Address gaps in knowledge and understanding

Selected obook pro resources feature Learning Pathway Reports that grade students' approximate competency level against prerequisite skills.

Learning Pathway Reports provide a personalised plan for completing exercises and recommend digital resources to address gaps in knowledge.

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